Your Ally

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As Bakugou and Todoroki were fighting against the villain Moonfish they begin to have a bit of a problem due to there lack of teamwork, when Todoroki used his ice to block Moonfish's attack Bakugou ended up accidentally blasting one of his explosions onto his ice which cracked it, with the ice being cracked Moonfish's teeth managed pierce through it like it was nothing, luckily they both Dodge the attack.


"Damn it Icy Hot, get your damn ice out of my way!"


"You're in my way Bakugou, so shut your mouth and let me take care of this."


"Why you little-"

As they were arguing with each other they didn't see two of Moonfish's teeth heading straight towards them, as those teeth were about to pierce them they suddenly stopped right when they were right in front of them, Bakugou and Todoroki take notice of this and look up at Moonfish and see that there is some sort of cord wrapped around his neck that is pulling him back, before they could see where that cord is coming from Shoji appears and picked them both up.


"Come on you two we have to move!"


"What's going on?"


"I can't explain now!"

As Shoji was running away with Todoroki and Bakugou in his arms Moonfish notice this and shout out one of his two straight towards Shoji's back, but before the tooth could even got close it was then cut in half.


"There is no way I'm letting you injure my friend again, right Dark Shadow!?"

~Dark Shadow~


With the cord still wrapped around Moonfish's neck he couldn't get any closer to Shoji due to him being out of his range, as Tokoyama was there he began running straight towards with Dark Shadow, Moonfish tried pierce Toyokama but Dark Shadow kept swiping at every tooth that was heading his way, now that they were in a good distance Toyokama could now give Dark Shadow his order.


"Dark Shadow bring him down!"

~Dark Shadow~


Dark shadows then began to break every tooth that was holding Moonfish up, and each tooth that was broken the cord that was around his neck began to pull him back even further, with one big final swipe Dark Shadow break a large amount that was on the ground which made him unbalance and since that was the case the cord that was around his neck then pulled him to the ground, as he hit the ground he then began to use his quirk to make more teeth come out of his mouth but right before they can get any longer Deku emerges from the darkness of the forest and leaps into the air with his bo staff grip into both his hands which he held above his head, once Deku came down from the air his bo staff then hit Moonfish right on his forehead which caused him to get knocked out, with Moonfish's unconscious body Deku stood over him with his bo staff in his right hand, he raises his left hand up to his ear and contacts Mei.


"Canary do you copy?"


"Yeah I copy."


"Good where are you?"


"I'm heading straight towards you right now."


"All right, by the way I defeated another villain so I need you to get over here quickly and make sure he doesn't get away."


"You got it, over and out."

Deku then placed his left hand down and puts him bo staff right on his back, he looked over to the right and saw Tokoyama looking at him.


"Why did you come?"


"Well isn't it obvious, we came here to help you of course."


"Hmm I see, thank you but you and your friend should get as far as you can away from here."


"Yes we should but we cannot, some of our friends are still in this forest and we won't leave until they're all safe and we want to lend you a hand as much as we could."


"All right then."

Right when Deku finish saying that Shoji came from behind a tree still holding Bakugou and Todoroki in his arms.




"All right then."

Shoji releases Bakugou by dropping him on his face which causes him to get even more angry, and with Todoroki he was gently placed on the ground.



As Bakugou got up to yell at Shoji he didn't notice the Deku staring at him, Deku was so happy that nothing has happened Bakugou which meant he made it just in time, he was so happy that he wanted to yell out his nickname at him but he held it in so he wouldn't reveal his identity to him by calling him that, the right one Bakugou was in the middle of yelling at Shoji he finally noticed the Crow off the corner of, Bakugou turns his head over to him and glares at him.


"Who the hell is this guy?"


"This is the crow, he came here to help which means he's our Ally."


"The Crow?, Isn't he the vigilante that's been recently talked about?"


"Yes his and we are lending our help to him since he saved Tokoyama, and it seems that he has saved the both of you as well for coming here to take down that villain."


"If that is so then thank you."


"Whatever, I didn't need no stupid vigilante's help, I could have beaten that damn villain on my own, I especially didn't need your help Icy Hot!"

As Bakugou looked at Todoroki with an angry glare in his eyes he didn't notice the crow approaching him, when he turned his head right back to face The Crow he was surprised to see that he was already close to him.


"What the hell do you want?"


"You're in danger Katsuki Bakugou."

Everyone was shocked to hear that but not as shocked as Bakugou was right now.



~To be continued~

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