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From hearing what Kurogiri said made everyone shock but Shigaraki, with the rest of the League members wondering who was behind the mask Shigaraki didn't let them get close to him, instead he ordered Kurogiri to take Deku to an empty room and strip him of all of his equipment, Kurogiri listen to Shigaraki's orders and opened a portal which he then picks up Deku and walks straight into it allowing the both of them to leave the room completely, after that Shigaraki turn towards the remaining League members and order all of them not to interact with Deku at all, they all looked at him in silence but they nodded their heads in agreement, an hour later Deku woke up and saw that he was strapped in a chair and only wearing his shirt and boxers, he started looking around the room and could barely see a thing due to how dark it was, suddenly that darkness was then vanished away when a door that was right in front of him opens and filled the room with some light, Deku looked at the doorway and saw two figures standing there, they both enter the room and shut the door behind them, one of them flicks a switch that turns on a light that was hanging above Deku's head, the other one steps up towards him and walked into the light that was surrounding Deku, once he did Deku was able to see the person's face which caused Deku to look at him with the menacing glare.


"What's with that stare huh?"

Deku doesn't respond back to Shigaraki instead he just looks at him.


"Hmm, not going to talk huh?, Well I have ways to make you."

Suddenly Shigaraki then punched Deku across the face, but instead of whimping out of pain Deku continues glaring up at Shigaraki, which upsets him very much, so Shigaraki then began to brutally beat Deku over and over, this lasted 15 minutes until Shigaraki was out of breath and Deku was no longer glaring at him, instead he looked down at his thighs would he started to drool out some blood from his mouth.


"I expected one of Stain's followers to last a bit longer than that, but I guess you couldn't."

Shigaraki then goes over to the corner of the room and grab the wooden chair which he then drags and places right in front of Deku which he then takes a seat.


"Listen to me, if you answer my questions then I'll probably keep you alive for a bit longer, got it?"

Deku doesn't say anything but he understood clearly, so he slowly nodded his head.


"Good, now tell me who you are?"


"I-I'm the... Crow."


"The Crow?"


"He is that vigilante that's been in the papers recently."


"Oh so that's who you are, I've heard about you but I never expected the Crow was the same person I saw back at Hosu, the city where the hero killer died in.

From hearing Shigaraki mention Stain, Deku leaps towards Shigaraki but with held back by the restraints on the chair.


"It looks like I triggered a nerve, tell me did you really come just to rescue that kid or did you come here because of me?"

Deku slowly raises his head up until he made eye contact with Shigaraki.


"B-both... I came here f-for the both of you."


"Is that so?, But judging on the situation you are in right now, you won't be doing anything."

Shigaraki get up from his chair and kicks Deku in the gut which made him spit out a large amount of blood, after that he then walks over to the door and places his hand onto the door knob but doesn't twist it just yet.


"Kurogiri I want you to attend to his injuries."


"As you wish."

Once Shigaraki stepped out of the room Kurogiri quickly started attending to all of Deku's injuries, few minutes later Kurogiri finished and headed over to the door while flicking off the light that was above him, has Kurogiri stepped out he saw Shigaraki leaning against the wall.


"Took you some time."


"My apologies, his injuries took longer to patch up, but he'll survive."


"Good now come on, let's go recruit our new number."


"Yes let us go."

As they were walking together Shigaraki had some questions for Kurogiri.


"So tell me the information about that kid who's the Crow."


"Certainly, the young man's name is Izuku Midoriya, he is 15 years old, his date of birth is July 15th, his blood type is type O, and-"


"Enough with all of that, all I want to know is where he lives and what school he goes to."


"I see, well to start he lives in an apartment complex with his mother Inko Midoriya, he goes to an ordinary School that is not too special."


"So by day he lives in ordinary life but by night he becomes that vigilante The Crow."


"It seems so, but what shall you do with him."


"I've been thinking about giving him to the doctor, so he can turn him into a Nomu."


"A Nomu?, Are you certain he will survive that type of operation."


"Yes I know he will, the others told me what he can do so is more than capable to survive that type of operation, plus I don't want that potential going to waste."


"Hmm you make a good point, I will contact the doctor as soon as I can.


"Good, one more number to my future army."

~To be continued~

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