The Aftermath

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After a week has passed since the attack on Hosu and the death of the hero killer, everyone has only been talking about Stain ever since then, but as the news and social media were talking all about him Deku was avoiding everything that involves him, he hasn't been The Crow since Stain's death nor that he hasn't even trained this entire week, instead he kept to himself everyday and even coming home after school he ended up going to his room and spending the rest of his remaining day in there, but as Deku was laying on his bed in his room he ends up being a knock at the door and the voice of his mom.


"I-Izuku, I've noticed that you have been very upset this past week, and I don't know the reason why because you won't talk to me, I'm here for you Izuku and if there's something going wrong just talk to me."

As Inko was standing outside of Deku's door she suddenly hears his door open, as the door was fully open Deku was standing at the doorway with a smile on his face, and with no hesitation he ends up hugging his mom.


"Thank you Mom, I appreciate everything you do for me, but you don't have to worry about me, I'm perfectly fine I'm just stressed out from all this school I swear."


"Are you sure sweetie?, Because if there's something causing you trouble, you know that I'm here to listen."


"I know Mom but like I'm said I'm just fine, so you don't have to worry so much okay."


"Okay if you say so."

Deku then let's go of his mom and sees that she is smiling at her.


"Dinner will be ready soon okay."


"Okay mom, thanks again."

After that Inko went back to the kitchen to finish cooking, Deku went back to his room and sat down on his bed what the same sad Lucky had before he opened the door to his mom, Deku knew that he couldn't tell her the truth about him being a vigilante and being trained by the deceased hero killer, so he lied to her so she wouldn't worry so much about him, a couple minutes later Inko finished preparing dinner, after that Deku and Inko sat down at the dining table and started eating, as they were eating dinner they ended up talking about what they've done throughout the week that has passed, once they finally finished dinner Deku and Inko went to their own room and proceeded to go to bed, but as Deku was sleeping he ended up dreaming about Stain, the dream he was having was the memory of when he was training him to be a vigilante.


"Come on get up we're just getting started."


"Y-yes sensei."

As Deku's combat training was the toughest out of everything he's done it was also the most enjoyable, after the combat training ended Stain will sit down next to Deku.


"You getting a lot better these days."


"Thank you sensei."


"Answer me this question Midoriya, why did you want to become a hero."


"Well because I wanted to save those who needed saving the most with the smile on my face just like All Might, but it seems that I couldn't be like him because you really do need to quit to be like him."


"All Might is truly a Great Hero, but he was wrong about you, you can be great as well I just know it."


"You really think so sensei?"


"I know so, you are truly worthy to be called a hero  Midoriya."


"Thank you."

After that Deku open his eyes and sat up on his bed, he raised his left hand and made a fist.

~Deku mind~

"Sensei, I can never forgive you for what you've done for those heroes, but I will always respect you for believing in me."

Deku then got up from his bed changed into some other clothing and proceeded to leave his apartment without waking up his mom, he then went over to the train station and got on the first train that arrived, he rode on the train all the way towards the location where the base was, once a train stopped at his destination he quickly got off and went over towards the base, once Deku arrived he went over to the empty room, as he stepped inside that room he saw the mask and the swords that belonged to stain and under that was his bo staff and his duffel bag filled with his clothes, after you finish changing into his clothes he looked up at the mask and two swords and bowed his head.


"I'm off sensei."

Deku grabbed his bow staff and proceeded to leave the room and head up to the rooftop, once he was on the roof he got on to the ledge and looked over the city that he'll be protecting in the shadows, as he was about to hit towards the city he heard wings flapping, he looked up and saw a crow flying above him, the crow then flew straight towards the city which made Deku smile.


"All right let's do this."

Deku then jump towards the other rooftops and began following the crow deep into the city.

~To be continued~

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