We're Escaping

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Now that Deku was fully equipped he then proceeded to make his way through the league of villains hideout, he eventually made it to a door where he started hearing voices on the other side of it, Deku then gently placed his right hand on the doorknob and twisted it very slowly until it opened, he opens the door enough for him to peek through, and from peeking in he sees the league right in front of Bakugou who is tied to a chair.


"Well kid have you decided to join us yet."


"Screw you you piece of shit."


"Hmm this kid really has a dirty mouth."

~Mr. Compress~

"Yes he certainly does."


"Maybe if I stab him he'll won't open that potty mouth again."


"No, no one's allowed to touch him, matter of fact I think we should set them free from that chair."


"Are you sure that's a wise choice?"


"Of course it is, if he decides to join us then we should treat him equally even right now."


"Hmm so be it."


"Good, now Dabi let him free from that chair."

As Shigaraki said that Dabi then nudged Twice on his shoulder which grabbed his attention.


"Twice you do it."


"What!?, But Shigaraki told you to do it."


"Yeah I know but I'm telling you to do it instead."


"(Sigh) fine."

Twice then walked over towards Bakugou and begin unlocking his latches, as soon as that happened he quickly pushed Twice out of the way and ran straight towards Shigaraki where he then blasted and explore him at his face which cause the hand that was gripping on to his face fly off, after that Bakugou backs away and waits for the other villains to try attack him, but Shigaraki prevents them from doing so by raising his right arm up.


"No one move, kid you know you can't take all of us on by yourself, so how about you surrender while you still can."


"Ha, you think I'll just surrender like a coward!?, Well you're wrong I'll take each and every one of you bastards, so bring it On!"

As Bakugou said that out loud it was just too intimidate them, but in his head he knew that there was no way for him to actually beat them all on his own.


"Damn it, I have to get out of here now before they corner me and seal me away in that damn marble again, I can make a break for it through the door behind me but as soon as I tried the quickly come after me, and the other door on the other side of the room is-"

As soon as Bakugou glanced over at the door that was behind the league he saw that it was cracked open and also saw a figure peeking through that crack, but before he can even see who it actually was that was peeking through that door Shigaraki grabbed Bakugou's attention.

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