The Final Test Has Come

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The first month of training was way difficult then Deku imagined, he'll easily fall from the pole by just getting hit by one tomato, running from the dogs we're also a bit difficult for him, he even got bit on the leg by one of them which made him limp the rest of the day, the combat training was way more tougher due to Stain not holding back at any means, even while Deku was using weapons to fight against Stain always get the advantage by disarming them so quickly, but even after the training when Deku was completely injured Stain will always patch him up give him advice about techniques and tragedies he should work on at all times, when the second month came Deku was more prepared than he was last time, during his training on balancing and dodging at the same time he managed to dodge nearly almost all the tomatoes that Stain through at him, but he still needed a bit more work on his balance, during the dog run Deku used to surroundings to get away from the dogs as besties could, he nearly managed to outrun the dogs until he tripped on his own leg which made him fall, the the dogs would have torn him apart but Stain them before they could do that, when Deku went to the combat training he began getting a lot better the hand-to-hand combat with Stain, Deku even managed to graze his cheek with his fist, when he trained with weapons he was decent with a sword and knives but he was more skilled with a bo staff and the batons, with the stamina training he has endured he managed to keep up with Stain's sword fighting with his bo staff, but still Stain had way more training then Deku and would easily out match him, once the third month has finally came Deku trained until the sun has set with Stain, with the balance training he managed to dodge all of the tomatoes and even catch the last one which made Stain impressed, when he began the dog running he managed to outrun two of them until he was on the left dog which was the alpha of those three, with the offer running straight towards him Deku managed to evade its attacks by running on the wall and doing backflips to avoid it getting close to him, after a couple minutes the alpha finally right now breath and laid down and stopped chasing after Deku, after finally completed two of the training objectives that Deku had to do, his final training will be combat which was toughest out of the other two.


"I'm proud of you Izuku, you managed to complete the two trainings that you are difficulty with.


"Thank you sensei, it was all thanks to you for giving me advice to improve my techniques."


"That's good, but this training right here will be your final test, you have improved with hand-to-hand combat and with weaponry as well, now choose Your weapon of choice and we'll face each other, if you beat me then you have completed your training once and for all, but if I beat you then you will have to start by square one again."


"I understand sensei, I won't disappoint you."


"I'm hoping you won't."

Deku went over to a table that had weapons that were all laid out, he reached out for the katana but as he was about to grab it he switches to another weapon and grabs the bo staff instead.


"Are you sure you want that bo staff to be your weapon of choice?"


"Yes, I've trained with it much longer than I have change with a sword, this would be my weapon to help me defeat you."


"Very well getting your fighting stance and we may start."

Deku went over and stood at the other side of the rooftop and stood in his fighting stance, Stain pulled out his katana from his back and did his fighting stance as well, Deku and Stain stood patiently the opposite sides staring at each other, their audience was a bunch of crows that were staring at them on the edges of rooftops and old telephone poles, suddenly once one the crows begin to fly Deku and Stain began running at each other, Stain leaped into the air to try to slash Deku from above but he managed to evade it in time, Deku swung his bo staff straight tours Stain but he does it by leaning backwards, Stain begin giving a barrage of slashes at Deku, but he used his bow stuff too easily block them, when Stain did another slash Deku ducks down an attempt to trip him with his bo staff but Stain saw this coming and jumped when Deku attempt to trip in, he looked up and saw Stain coming back down with his sword ready to come down on him, Deku knew that he couldn't update this attack so he raises his bo staff up to block it, but once Stain's sword hits Deku's bo staff it was cut in half, Deku was shocked to see that his weapon sliced in half so easily, Stain looked at him I knew that he has won this battle against his students.


"It seems that your weapon is no longer usable, which means that you have fai-"

As Stain was about to declare Deku's failure, he got back on his feet and began fighting with the what the sliced in half bo staff, Stain wasn't expecting him to continue fighting with a broken weapon, but as the way Deku was fighting with the broken pieces of his bo staff stain saw that he was using them like they were batons, Stain couldn't keep up with Deku's attacks so it began to get some distance so he could think of a strategy to beat him, but once he got some distance Deku through one of his batons straight up Stain, but when it got close Stain sliced it in half, but after you slice it in half he saw that Deku with no longer in front of him.


"Where did it go?"


"I'm right here!"

The baton was a distraction to let Deku get close to him without him noticing, Deku didn't upwards kick straight at Stain and hit him under his chin which lost him in the air and even dropping his weapon as well, a Stain was about to fall to the ground Deku grabbed his sword and ran over to Stain, once he was finally on the ground Deku stood above him with his sword pointing straight at his face.


"(Panting) I passed."


"Hahaha, you should have my boy, you happy me in my own game and now you are ready to be a vigilante."

Stain got up and look at Deku with pride in his eyes.


"So I actually passed?"


"You should have my boy, and now that you have passed you will be fighting for justice in your own way."


"My own way huh?"


"Yes, hi congratulate you once again, Izuku Midoriya you are my greatest pupil that I have trained.

Stained bowed his head straight Deku to show that he has earned his respect.


"Thank you sensei, I appreciate everything you have done and I'm glad that I became your pupil."

Deku bowed as well to show his respect to his to his teacher that is dedicated his own life to train a quirkless boy like him to be a vigilante.

~To be continued~

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