Camp Out

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After learning the plans of the league of villains and having that confrontation with Toga, Deku and Mei begin to form a plan on how they should take care of this problem, since Mei attended UA she would know when the hero course students will be heading to the mountains for their training which was a very good thing to know, the both of them had a lot of time to plan this out and to get themself prepared for this mission, after a couple days have passed the hero Court students have finally left UA to head to the mountains, but once they left so did Deku and Mei, the both of them got up really early and got on a bus that was heading to the same mountains that the hero course students were heading as well, but before Deku left he told his mom that he'll be heading to the mountains with some friends for a couple days which made her happy to know that her son has friends to go out with, she was so happy that she stayed up pretty late to prepare a bunch of meals for him and his friends, a couple hours have passed during the bus ride which made Deku quite impatient, but he manages to keep his cool.

~Deku's mind~

"This bus needs to go faster, if we don't arrive in time then the league will most likely put their plan into action."

As Deku was looking out the window and talking to himself in his head he suddenly felt something poking his cheek, he looks over at his right side and sees Mei poking him with the piece of candy.


"You want a piece?"


"Y-yeah sure."

Mei then places the piece of candy that she was poking him with in his right hand, which he then unwrapped and placed in his mouth.


"Good right?"


"Yeah they're really good thanks."


"No problem, it look like you needed something sweet right now."

Deku looks at Mei and smiles to know that he has such a good partner looking out for him, after a couple hours later they finally made it to their destination, the both of them got off the bus and grab their bags, as they got all of their stuff they noticed that they were pretty far from where the hero core students are at now which was a good thing for them, they then headed into the forest and proceeded to look for a good area to set up their camp, after a couple minutes of walking they found the perfect area which overlooked the forest and the area where the hero core students were staying, after that Deku and Mei then proceeded to set up their camp, they finished as soon as the sun was going down any sat down near a campfire that Deku made.


"There we're all done, now all we need to do is just like the campfire."


"Oh I can take care of that."

Mei then ran to her bag that was filled with her babies and pulled out one of her babies that look like a laser pointer, she aimed her baby at the at the campfire and press the button on it which shockingly shout-out giant flames, she lifts her finger from the button and and blows away the smoke coming from her little baby.


"Wow you really have a lot of interesting babies don't you?"


"I sure do and I have a lot more than for you to see."


"Haha and I can't wait to see them."

The both of them sat down near the campfire and begin eating the food that Inko prepared for his trip.


"This food is so good, your mom is such an accident cook Midoriya."


"Yeah I know, I'm glad to have her in my life."


"Hey Midoriya, if you don't mind me asking what was the hero killer like."


"O-oh sensei, he was a good teacher and he was quite strict sometimes, but I respect him because of it."


"Even though what he did to those heroes?"


"I could never forgive him for what he did to his heroes, but he was the only person that actually believed in me, if it wasn't for him convincing me to be a vigilante then I don't know where I will be, my Sensei was a murderer but he was also a father figure to me, so I will respect him and treasure every moment that we had together."


"Such a strong bond between a teacher and a student, so much they might even put me to tears."

Deku laugh at what Mei says which makes her laugh with him, after that they didn't finish their meal and and head to their tents to sleep, but as Deku and Mei retired for the night the league of villains we're being transported there by Kurogiri's quirk.

~To be continued~

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