A Brand New Partner

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After being carried to an apartment complex Deku begin opening his eyes, he looked around and noticed that he was in a dim littered room, he tried to set up but couldn't do to the pain that was coming from his left shoulder, he turned to look at it and saw that that it has been covered in bandages.


"What happened to me after I blacked out?"

Deku begin trying to remember what happened last night, when he was doing that he remembered the person that he called out to help him, but after remembering that he realizes that the person that must have saved him knows his true identity, which made him a bit scared, so he managed to sit up on the bed and turned his body towards the edge where his feet were able to touch the ground, as he picked himself up off the bed he ended up falling to the ground which made a loud thump, Deku tried to pick himself up off the ground but then heard footsteps outside of the door in front of them and each footstep begins to get louder and louder until Deku saw the door knob move, as the doorknob begin to twist open Deku notice a wrench right next to him witchy arms himself with, once the knob was fully turned turned the door burst open which made Deku throw the wrench in his hand straight at the door's entrance.


"Hey are you awa-"

The wrench that Deku through ended up  hitting someone in the face which made them fall over, Deku cross over towards the person and sees that it's a girl which makes him panic a bit for actually hitting a girl with the wrench.


"I-I'm so sorry, are you still alive?"

Deku leans in towards her and notice mumbling something.


"Come down my babies I'll get to you in a minute."


"Oh thank goodness she's all right, I better get out of here before she wakes up."

As Deku was going to try to get up on his feet again the girl they knocked out ended up recovery so quickly that she managed to sit right up, which startles Deku.


"Oh hey you are awake."

~Deku's mind~

"What should I do, what should I do, she's awake and I bet she has tons of questions about me?"

As Deku was trying to think of something, the girl that he hit ask them a question that he did not expect to come out of her mouth.


"So you on breakfast?"


"Y-yeah sure?"

The girl then got back on her feet and helped Deku up and placed his right arm over his shoulder, they then proceeded to move towards the kitchen, once there the girl sat Deku on a stool to start making some breakfast for him, but as Deku was sitting down he began thinking on who exactly this girl is and why she making him breakfast after accidentally throwing a wrench at her.


"Umm excuse me can you tell me who you are?"


"Oh how rude of me, the name is Mei Hatsume and you're in my place."


"Oh I see, it's nice to meet you Mei Hatsume ."


"What about you, what's your name?"


"It's Izuku Midoriya."

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