01| Venture

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Chapter One: Venture

Waiting, over and over I've been waiting. Waiting for Delphine to come in here so I could sneak out for a couple hours. My parents never let me go out besides for assembly's and meetings for them. But Delphine agreed to help me sneak out for a couple hours. It was now 30 till 12 and the best time to go out.

Most people would be in there homes asleep and I could venture in the city. Before I could go out Delphine told me the rules.

1 : Don't get caught. Especially right now, my father put a curfew on most of the kingdom so I have to be extra careful not to get caught and not to get caught by a guard especially since then I would truly be on full lockdown.

2 : Sneak around, yes it might be suspicious but no one will see me. Don't go directly on the road, go to secluded places that no one would think of going. Go to gardens or places where people eat that aren't restaurants. Also go to the town over where their is no curfew.

3 : be in a disguise, don't wear your normal gowns, dress like everyone else. Regular dresses and add a
Cloak for extra protection.

4 : Be back by sunrise which is typically around 5 am so I should have a couple hours.

Just as I was about to give up on leaving my room I heard a faint knock on the door. Swiftly I moved across the room and reached the door knob. Already I was changed and ready to go so there should be no talking between Delphine and I.

Opening the door stood Delphine. She had a small smile on her face and nodded to me. I nodded back and switched places with her.

Delphine was one of the maids that lived in the castle but due to us being close in age and having the same interest we quickly became best friends. She's been there for me since forever. Since we were young she's been my best friend.

Her mother used to work here and Delphines mother lived here with her as well. Once her mother died she took her place and stayed living here.

Every time my parents would yell at me growing up Delphine would be my shoulder to cry on. Still when my parents yell at me she's my shoulder to cry on. Sometimes it gets really hard being a royal and still staying strong in front on the people when i feel like crying. Constantly I feel like breaking down but I shove it deep enough to not feel anything.

Honestly I'm numb now, yes sometimes what they say makes me cry but most of the time I'm numb.

"Leave Ana your gonna get caught if you keep standing there"

I winked at her then quickly walked away. Putting on my hood I went over to the maids passageway. The maids would be asleep at this time and no one would be going through.

Making my way out I finally got to the door that lead to the outside. Opening the door quietly I saw two guards. They  were on both sides surrounding the building.

There was a table next to me that had fruit and I got an idea. Grabbing the fruit next to me I threw it past one of the guards. Like the dummy's they are they ran towards the fruit instead of where it was thrown.

Once they were both over there inspecting the fruit I ran. I ran the fastest I've ever ran in my entire life.

Finally I made my way to the village and snuck around. Inspecting every building was fascinating. Yes I've been around the village countless times but I've never been able to really see it. I've only been to one place, town hall. Town hall is where all the meetings/assembly's are taken.

Walking into a garden I stepped into the secluded building attached to it. Just as I was about to sit down on the bench inside of the building I heard a voice. A deep voice that was next to me. A mans voice.
Hey guys

How'd you like the first chapter of Behind The Walls?

It will get juicy so be prepared

Anyways have a great day and know that you are loved

- Love Catherine 🦋

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