05| Ecstatic

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Chapter Five: Ecstatic

 Hera came back from school and her brother wasn't there

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Hera came back from school and her brother wasn't there. She went into her moms room to ask where he went but she didn't know either.

Hera was upset and went to her room to wait. Either her brother wouldn't come back till the next day or he would get back later then she expected.

Originally Hera thought he'd be back when she got home but he wasn't. Instead he was at his fathers garden waiting for Ana. When Ana got back home the day she snuck out she told Delphine everything that happened. Delphine was happy that she got to talk to someone and met a friend. Again Delphine agreed to let Anastasia sneak out and help her.

Since this time it was earlier she had to be extra careful. The only good side to this plan is that she has no events to attend to and her parents don't talk to her besides them.

Before Ana left she put on a normal dress and mask to leave the building. Due to a sickness that broke out some people chose to wear face coverings. With the mask she could sneak out and eventually take it off without anyone questioning her.

Like last night Anastasia took the maids passageway and waited for all of them to leave. Once they did she took the exist and left. Due to her mask the guards didn't question her and let her go, Ana left and went to the garden as she did the night before. Once she got there she took a breath then went up the stairs.

"Hey stranger" Ana said once she took her face covering off.

"Hey" Sebastian replied.

"Okay so I know you wanted to venture but turns out my sister wants to as well, is it okay if we bring her with?"

In that moment Ana felt happy, of course she would be fine if his little sister tagged along. Ana if anything was ecstatic to meet new people.

"No I don't mind at all" Anastasia replied. Sebastian nodded and got up.

"Okay then let's head to my house" Ana nodded and followed him. It only took a couple minutes to walk there and soon Ana stood in front of Sebastians cottage.

Due to the noise of them being outside Hera heard them. She went to the front of the cottage and looked out the window. She saw the girl and thought that she looked oddly familiar. Hera kept looking at the girl and couldn't put her finger on it.

Hera knows every girl in town and the towns next to them. She could just sense that she'd seen this girl before but she didn't know where. The girls face was unknown but the way she stood and her body type she just known she seen her somewhere.

Almost every girl she'd known was average height or much taller but this girl was short. Very short and her long dark hair didn't help Ana's case of hiding out either. Usually it was done but today she decided to let it down. Their was only one time that Anastasia let her hair down and that was during an event.

An event that Hera had gone to.

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