17| Regret

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Chapter Seventeen: Regret

"How'd you know about that?"

"Anastasia answer me?"

I looked down then back up at him as I released from the hug.

"It doesn't matter how I found out I just asked if you regretted it"

"Do you regret it?"

"Yes I regret it. It's probably the thing I regret most besides treating you horribly."

"I don't understand why did you do it then?"

"I was young and wanted to keep my power. I was hungry for power and wanted nothing more than to win the war alive, so I pushed the man in front of me for my own well being"

As much as I wanted to think he actually regretted it I didn't. I think he's glad he's alive and happy that he wasn't the one to get shot. I will never forgive my father for the way he mistreated me and honestly I think he put on an act when talking to my mother.

I would like to trust him but I don't, at all.

Since my fathers been so "nice" to me I've been able to go out when I like. Today's the day I'm going to see Sebastian. I never did send my letter because quite frankly I forgot. Also my mother is still alive and very close to death. When I said I felt bad for her I regret it. Because simply I don't feel bad anymore.

Honestly I hope she suffers longer before death. Maybe she'll find friends wheres she's going, hell. That's where my mother will be going. Besides that I put on a green gown and beige flats.

"Hey stranger" I said approaching the bench that Sebastian was sitting at.


I walked over to him and sat down. Before he could do anything I pressed my lips onto his. Unlike last time the kiss was slow and gentle not rough.

Sebastian grabbed onto the back of my neck and held me close while my fingers ran all over his back. I bit his lip and felt him smile through the kiss.

Continuing to kiss him I felt his tough go into my mouth. It was unexpected but I let it happen. Granting access to him our tongues danced in sync.

"Anastasia" he growled.


"Your too perfect"

Releasing from the kiss I looked at him and smiled.


"I think, I think I want to get revenge on my father"

"Anastasia are you serious?"

I nodded and looked down after in case he was going to express his disappointment to me.

"What do you want to do?"

"I want him dead"

"Anastasia before anything happens I want to know"


"Sebastian he mistreated me and now after hearing what my said mother I realize he's much worse then I expected"

I told him everything that happened and included the conversation between my father and mother and how he put on an act to pretend he was actually a good father.

"Anastasia you sure you want to do this?"

"I want the king dead as well but I also don't want you to regret anything in the future".

"I'm positive now please can we come up with a plan"

"My mothers out of the picture since she'll die soon but my father he's not exactly dying"

After many hours we finally came up with a plan, or so several plans.

Step 1 - Become close with your father.

Step 2 - After Penelope dies ask to be crowned queen since it's your right and because he wants to be a good father.

Step 3 - If he says yes then the rest is easy become queen and kill him in secret, the town can't believe their ruler would do something so terrible. Pretend he ran off or that he died the same illness as Penelope.

Step 4 - If he says no then corner him and kill him to succeed to the thrown. Do the rest of step 3.

Returning home I found that all my books, puzzles and ect were placed back in my room. Turning around I faced my father who put on a fake smile.

I can do that to.

I looked at him and put on a fake smile as well.

"Thank you for giving me back my stuff"

"No problem your mother shouldn't have taken them"

"Besides that your welcome to dinner".

To get on his good side I agreed and followed him to the dinning room.

Let's just says that I regret ever doing so.

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