11| Huh

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Chapter Eleven: Huh

Sobbing, I was literally sobbing. I hadn't cried in days but today I did. When I told Sebastian who I was he yelled at me and told me how im such a horrible person.

At first I thought he was joking but then realized he was serious when he started shouting and yelling.

Hera was there and tried to calm him down but their was no use. He was just too mad to be calmed down. Honestly he was fuming, it looked like he had fire in his eyes and wanted to kill me.

I didn't understand why he was so mad that I told him. Yes I lied but for not for very long, and we were all laughing just minutes before.

What's so bad about me being the princess, he did say he didn't like the royal family but I didn't think he'd yell at me. He could have excused himself from the table instead of yelling.

"Hey" a soft voice said. I turned around and faced Hera.

"Hey" I replied wiping a tear from my face. She came towards me and hugged me again. This time I knew what I was doing and didn't squeeze her. I never have been hugged before today but it feels like something I've needed for a long time.

"When I'm sad I eat candy and talk to my friends" Hera handed me her chocolate bar and looked at me.

"Now eat your chocolate bar and talk to me, it doesn't have to be about what happened but just talk" I took a bite of the bar and handed it back to her.

"Tell me about the things you like. What's your favorite color?"

"Pervenche" I replied wiping the rest of the tears. Hera looked at me confused and went along with it.

"It's a light blue" I said to not confuse her. She nodded and laughed.

"What's your favorite sport?"

„Don't have one, what about you?"

"Umm, I don't really have one either. How old are you?"

"18 turning 19 soon. What's your age?"


"Really you seem older then that, you seem wise for some reason"

"Maybe because I'm a witch" the two of us looked each other in the eye and laughed. We continued our conversation for a bit and eventually Hera had to go home. I was left alone and stuck in my thoughts before I heard footsteps. I turned around and faced Sebastian.

What does he want?

"What are you doing here" I said.

"I wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to be that harsh it's just something happened in my past that makes me hate your bloodline"


"What do you mean?" I questioned.

Sebastian sighed before walking over to me and sitting down.

"My dad" he sighed again.

"He was killed by your father"

"Excuse me what?!"

"During the war when we were young my father was sent to fight. I was young and didn't want him to go so I snuck on the truck carrying food, during the war I saw everything. A canon was about to hit your dad but he pushed my dad instead in the way to get hit and died"

Instantly I felt sorry, of course he had a reason for hating my family, crap I hate my family.

"I'm sorry my father did that" I said sympathetic. Leaning over to Sebastian I opened my arms and gave him a big hug. He laid his head on my shoulder and I continued to tell him that I was sorry that happened. I was sorry but at the same time it wasn't my fault that happened it was my fathers.

But I understand and get it. I would be mad to.

"I would ask to walk you home but you live in the palace"

"Ehh it's fine I'll walk myself" Before Sebastian could leave I grabbed his hand. Leaning over to him I gave him one last hug and kissed him on the cheek. He was surprised and thats how I wanted him.

After walking back to the palace I snuck back in and made my way to my room. As I opened my door I saw two people in my room.

Delphine and my mother.

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