08| Staff Pin

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Chapter Eight: Staff Pin

Anastasia was frantic inside but didn't show her nervousness on the outside

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Anastasia was frantic inside but didn't show her nervousness on the outside. Once the women turned towards her direction Ana knew she had to hide somehow.

Quickly she got up and sat next to Sebastian who was facing the wall instead of the women. Hera was confused at first but figured it out due to a pin on the women's dress that meant she was a staff member of the king. Hera leaned over to Ana and whispered in her ear.

"I won't let you get caught" Ana was shocked but glad she said that. The women had seen Anastasia for a split second before she moved and walked her direction. Hera saw this and got up. She went towards the maid and smiled at her.

"Do you work at the palace!" Hera said putting a fake excited voice on. The women looked down to her and smiled.

"Yes I do" she said grabbing her pin on her chest.

"That's so cool do you get to ride the horses?"

"Oh no that's only for special people not me."

Continuing their conversation the maid had completely forgotten about seeing Anastasia and left to her table on the other side of the restaurant. Hera came back and sat down with a smile on her face.

"Thank you" Ana said. Sebastian was confused about the whole thing but would ask his sister later.

It was now half past six and the three of them decided to go to a candy shop before going back to the garden. In the store Hera picked up a chocolate bar and asked Sebastian if he could buy it for her. Sebastian said he couldn't since they just went to a restaurant and wouldn't be able to spend anymore money.

Anastasia took this as a chance to thank her.

"I'll buy it for you" Ana said to Hera. Hera smiled and thanked her before Sebastian cut in.

"You don't have too" he said to her. Anastasia waved him off and bought the chocolate for her along with other candies. Hera was excited and happy that she made friends with the princess.

Ana handed the bag of candies to Hera and took out her fudge to eat. She let Hera have a bite and saved the rest in her bag she brought. After getting to the garden they sat down and talked for a while. The conversation was all over the place and Sebastian brought up the royal family.

Hera looked at Anastasia and Anastasia looked at Hera. Sebastian didn't notice and continued talking about them.

"Ana what do you think of the royal family?" Sebastian asked. Ana's checks turned red and she sighed.

"I don't think their good people, maybe the princess but the king or queen." She looked down after saying it not knowing Sebastian reaction.People either loved the royals or hated them.

"Yeah I agree the princess is never out so I don't know about her yet."

"Well maybe her parents don't let her out that much" Ana said accidentally. Hera's eyes wided and looked at Ana.

"Are you okay?" Hera asked completely ignoring her brother.

Anastasia didn't know how to respond. Was she okay?

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