27| Your Mine

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Chapter Twenty Seven: Your Mine

Quickly Sebastian took Anastasia in his arms and threw her over his back

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Quickly Sebastian took Anastasia in his arms and threw her over his back. He walked from the balcony to the first room he found and locked the door.

"Sebastian this is a guest room"

"Anastasia your rooms to far away"

"Oh you child"

Sebastian crashed his lips on Anastasias and unzipped her gown making it fall to the floor. He stepped back and examined her.

"Greens your color".

"You like it"

"Oh I love it, it's just a too bad that I'm going to tear it off your body".

He then pressed his lips on hers again and Anastasia Unbuttoned his shirt. She then went to his trousers and unzipped them as well. His shirt fell to the floor as he pushed Ana onto the bed.

She sat down and pulled his pants off leaving him in just boxers. Anastasia laid down and Sebastian crawled on top of her. He slid his hand down and ripped the panties off of her. She giggled and pulled him back. During the kiss he took one of his hands and undid her bra from the back.

She stoped for a moment and looked at him. He stared back.

"I love you" she said again. Sebastian grinned and kissed her neck causing her to moan.

Anastasia went down and pulled his boxers down and threw them across the room. Sebastian laughed and went to whisper in her ear.

"I love you more"

When Anastasia wasn't paying attention Sebastian slipped the tip inside her making her moan once again.

"Sebastian" she moaned making him smile and go deeper into her. He was eight inches in and had Ana's walls weak.

He continued to thrust into her and Ana arched her back moaning uncontrollably.

"Sebastian" she said moaning again.

Each time she moaned he went faster and quickened the paste.

Anastasias clenched her thighs and felt her walls become weak. She had a knot in her and needed to release.

"Sebastian I need to-"

"Hold on baby just a bit more"

Sebastian went even faster and got his satisfaction before stoping. Once he was done he nodded to her and they both came together.

Anastasia laid down and felt the sweat drip down her face. Sebastian went lower and licked Ana's juices unannounced making her moan one last time.

Once clean she pulled Sebastian back up and he laid his head on her chest.

"Your mine, forever understand that?"

Ana nodded and kissed his cheek before lying down to sleep due to her being exhausted. Sebastian pulled her waist and wrapped his arms around her.

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