25| Succession Of The Crown

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Chapter Twenty Five: Succession Of The Crown

Chapter Twenty Five: Succession Of The Crown

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Weeks had passed. Anastasia and Sebastian were in a good place but still not official. But today was an important day. Officially Anastasia would become queen of Salona.

Getting ready Ana put on a light blue dress and added gold heals along with jewelry. She also had her maids do her hair in a curly fashion and add a bit of makeup to make her cheeks glow. When finished she looked in the mirror and smiled to herself. For once in her life she was happy with what she looked like.

Anastasia was always a beautiful child but her parents picked on her so she never saw herself in that way.

Truly she thought she was ugly until Sebastian told her the truth about how beautiful she truly was inside and out. Today Anastasia believed that and had a wide smile plastered on her face.

"Are you looking at yourself beautiful?" Sebastian said barging into the bathroom.

Anastasia smiled and turned to him.

"Yeah I think I look pretty today"

"Darling you always look pretty".

Anastasia blushed and pulled Sebastian towards her. Lightly she planted a kiss on his lips.

Sebastian was about to pull her forward to deepen the kiss before Ana pulled back.

"No more kissing I need to keep my makeup in perfect condition".

"Well you don't need makeup so ruining it wouldn't be-"

"Sebastian I said no so please, shut up".

Both Sebastian and Anastasia stepped out of the carriage and went to the stage in town hall. Anastasia stood in front along side a priest who would be the one to make her queen.

She bowed to him and he did the same back. Many people came to see the event and the Mena family stood in the front along with Delphine. Hera was smiling and chanted Ana on.

"You ready to begin princess" the priest asked.

Anastasia nodded her head and faced him.

"Raise you hand dear and repeat what I say".

Ana did so and listened to every word that was said from his mouth.

"I Anastasia Karisa Castellanos princess of Salona promise to be a good queen and listen to my citizens opinion".

"I Anastasia Karisa Castellanos princess of Salona promise to be a good queen and listen to my citizens opinion".

"And hear the voices of others when making decisions".

"And hear the voices of others when making decisions".

"I promise to make rules that benefit the general public and their well being."

"I promise to make rules that benefit the general public and their well being."

"I will not make rules that only benefit me and make sure to do everything for my people".

"I will not make rules that only benefit me and make sure to do everything for my people".

After many more promises Anastasia finally got to the part where her crown would be placed on her head.

"Bend down princess"

Anastasia kneeled down and prepared for her crown to be placed. Once it was done she faced her people and smiled.

"Meet your new queen Anastasia Karisa Castellanos of Salona"

Everyone cheered for her and finally Anastasia was queen of not just the people but also there hearts. She walked over to Sebastian and kissed him in front of everyone.

"Remember that your mine and no one else's" Anastasia whispered to him before leaving the stage to greet Hera and Evangeline.

"Your now queen Anastasia, holy Crap my best friends a queen" Hera said excitedly. Anastasia and Evangeline laughed. Anastasia went in and picked Hera up while hugging her.

"Your my favorite" Anastasia said finally putting her down.

"I thought I was your favorite" Delphine said walking over to them.

"She's my new favorite sorry Delphine you got replaced."

Again they all laughed and Evangeline went to hug and congratulate Ana.

"Now I'm sorry to go but have a good day our new queen". Anastasia waved her goodbye and Evangeline left.

"I should probably go too" Delphine added.

"So soon?" Anastasia asked.

Delphine nodded and quickly walked away. Anastasia was confused but let it go when Sebastian squeezed her hand. He kissed her cheek and Hera made a disgusted face.

"Stop it your going to scare Hera away"

"And it just means more time for me with you"

"Okay that's gross brother please stop"

"Anyways Hera would you like to go back to the castle with us?"

Hera agreed and went to the carriage. After the trip back home Anastasia opened the palace doors and showed Hera around.

"I've always wondered what the inside looked like but I didn't imagine this".

"Yeah my parents decorated it, it's not my style but will do for now".

"Everyone's gone Ana, not a single person to bug us".

"Sebastian shut up and lye down".

Sebastian did so and flopped on the bed. Quickly Anastasia hovered over him and began kissing his neck and stomach. She then went to his earlobe and bit it lightly.

Sebastian moaned in response and grabbed her waist pulled her more forward.

"You like that don't you" Anastasia teased.

"I do" he said before pressing his lips back to Hers.

Anastasia then slid and laid next to Sebastian.

"That's all your getting tonight" Anastasia said yawning.

"Darling you can't just-" Sebastian said before hearing Anastasias light snores.

"Guess that will be all I'm getting tonight" Sebastian said aloud.

Sebastian turned over and pulled Anastasia close. He wrapped his arms around her and shut his eyes. Tomorrow would be Anastasias nineteenth birthday and she thought everyone forgot about it. But what she didn't know is that everyone she cared about had been planning it for weeks.

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