13| Wow

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Chapter Thirteen: Wow

Once Sebastian saw Anastasia run off he knew where to find her

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Once Sebastian saw Anastasia run off he knew where to find her. He went to his home and told Hera what happened before making his way to his dads garden.

Yes he didn't exactly like her totally but he felt bad for her since the king did just yell at her in front of everyone.

She was definitely embarrassed but also did stand up for herself and other girls. She even made a promise for better girls education once she got crowned queen.

He was proud of her and glad she stood up for herself. He kinda liked how she clapped back at the king, he even found it attractive. But like Sebastian is he ignored it.

Ana sat down at the bench and had her head down. She wasn't crying but rather smiling.

"I actually stood up to my father. I actually did that. Oh my god he's gonna kill me once I return home. He's going to freaking sacrifice me."

"Hey I saw what you did out there" Sebastian said, walking up to Anastasia. She lifted her head and smiled at him.

"I'm proud of myself" a smile shinned on her face.

"You should be you stood yourself and many other girls including my sister."

"Yeah, I guess I did"

"It was kinda attractive" Sebastian said on accident. Hera didn't come with Sebastian because she had homework to do so it was just the two of them.

Anastasias eyes widened and she smiled.

"Thank you" Sebastian blushed and turned around facing the garden to where Ana couldn't see him. Ana knew what he was doing and giggled.

She never seen a guy do this for her, mostly because of the no dating rule but Anastasia didn't care anymore she wanted to be independent and do what she wanted.

If she wanted Sebastian she would do anything she could to have him. Not that she wanted him but thought it was cute that he was blushing for her.

"Turn around Sebastian", twirling her fingers even though he couldn't see them.


"Pretty please"

"Fine" Sebastian turned around and his pink cheeks were now visible to Anastasia. She smiled and decided to do something spontaneous.

Walking over to Sebastian she got on her tippy toes and planted a l kiss on Sebastian lips. He was caught off guard but eventually caved in. He grabbed the back of Anastasias neck and pulled her closer.

Her hands found their way in Sebastians hair and she started playing with it. Running her fingers threw his and and slightly pulling on it enough to make Sebastian moan through the kiss. Anastasia smiled and he felt it on her lips.

"His lips are so soft" she thought to herself.

"Her lips are soft and taste like strawberry's"

"I shouldn't be doing this"

"We shouldn't be doing this"

"But it feels so good"

"But she taste so good"

During the kiss Sebastian grabbed Ana and wrapped her legs around his waist. Placing her on the table he never broke the kiss. His hands traveling all over her body and he went up her thigh, squeezing it. Ana let out a soft moan and tilted her head back. Sebastian began kissing Anastasias neck, sucking and biting it she let out more moans.

Since they were in a secluded area no one could hear them but each other. Anastasia never felt this way and felt throbbing in her area. She needed him but wasn't ready to do anything like that since they'd once known each other for a short period of time.

Getting off the table Anastasia sat on Sebastians lap and felt his bulge. She smiled at what she did to him and giggled low enough for him not to hear.

Sebastian stopped kissing her neck and pulled back to look at her. Lust was in his eyes and he snapped back into reality.

"I should go" Sebastian said before placing Anastasia back on the bench and running away.


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