23| Rest In Peace

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Chapter Twenty Three: Rest In Peace

Slipping on my dress I added black heels and let my hair fall down to my back.

"We'll get through it baby I promise" Sebastian said squeezing my hand to comfort me. I nodded and gave him a light kiss on his lips.

We walked out of the palace and went to the carriage to attend the funeral. Late last night I went over to Alexander's kingdom and told them the news. His mother and sisters were sad but understood it was no ones fault but him.

His father on the other hand was angry and banned me from ever going to his kingdom again, still he agreed to attend the funeral I was holding on one condition that Alexander be buried in their family cemetery, of course I agreed.

Stepping out of the carriage all eyes were on me. Sebastian held my hand and we proceeded to go to the front of the ceremony next to his family.

"Does anyone have any words to share about Alexander Jacinta?"

His mother nodded then went to the front carrying her tissue to wipe her eyes.

"Alexander Jacinta, he was my son. My baby boy he never deserved death but also wanted to be the hero. He died a hero and that's all the matters. I love you sweet boy and you will continue to live in my heart."

Tears, they kept falling from my eyes and nothing could stop them. Sebastian noticed me crying and wiped them with a tissue.

"Be strong for Alexander, he wouldn't want you sad. Remember he died a hero. He died for me, even when I was wasn't the nicest to him".

"Your right" I replied.

Soon Alexander's family left and many others said there goodbyes to their loved ones as well. I paid my respects to everyone that fought and left to the palace.

Going back to my bed room Sebastian followed me.

"Ana you know since your fathers gone you can get a better room then whatever this is".

He wasn't wrong I had been living in a quite small room my whole life since my parents hated me.

"Yeah but I don't know if there's another master room. I definitely don't want the same room my parents had, it's probably haunted"

"Yeah your right, besides that let's not talk about your dead parents"

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"What I had in mind doesn't really involve talking."

"Sebastian" I said lightly punching him

"We just went to a funeral"

"I don't see any dead body's here"

"Oh whatever", rolling my eyes

Sebastian shoved me against the wall and grabbed my throat.

"Don't roll your eyes at me."

"Or what?" I said seductively

Sebastian smashed his lips on mine and I threw my arms around him. He quickly broke the kiss and pinned my arms above me.

"Always so unfair"

"Guess so but you wearnt complaining last time."

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