28| Maybe I Do

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Chapter Twenty Eight: Maybe I Do

Chapter Twenty Eight: Maybe I Do

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A Year Later...

Anastasia got ready and slipped on her white gown, it was beaded and had many details to it. She had her hair down and waved out to her back. Her makeup was perfect and a light shade of pink appeared on her lips.

Sebastian had a maid fit his suit and do his hair. It looked professional and Sebastian smiled before standing at the alter.

"Anastasia hurry up we have to go get you married".

"Delphine stop rushing me I just need to put my heels on"

Anastasia put on her heels and stood up going to walk with Delphine.

"You excited?"

"Of course I am"

Anastasia and Delphine walked to the huge doors and sighed before entering. Hera was already standing there since she was flower girl.

"Can I go now?"

"Yes Hera go"

Hera left and the doors shut behind her. She trailed rose petals down the aisle and stood next to Sebastian since she was also his best man.

"I'm gonna go Anastasia, make sure to breath before coming out".

Anastasia nodded and waited a minute before leaving herself. She took a breath and finally went through the two doors.

Walking down she smiled at everyone and finally made eye contact with Sebastian. He looked at her and smiled.

Finally she got to the end and stood across from him.

After many words

"Sebastian go on with your vows".

Sebastian sighed then looked at Anastasia.

"Anastasia I hated you at first but grown to love you. You filled the empty space in my heart that disappeared once my father died. You filled that. I never thought anyone could make me as happy as you do. Honestly I thought I would die alone. So I thank you, for agreeing to marry me for loving me and more. I love you Anastasia with everything inside me. And you will forever be my queen."

A tear fell from Ana's eye and she wiped it quickly.

"Sebastian you saved me. I snuck out once and met you on accident, best accident ever. You agreed to show me around I thank you for that. With you by my side I was able to stand up to my father and even win a battle. Theirs many more smaller battles to come but with you we can win anything. Never did I think I would marry someone of my choosing but things change. Never did I want to rule along side someone but maybe I do. Of course I do. I love you."

"You may kiss the bride"

Sebastian swiftly grabbed Anastasia and kissed her holding her bridal style. It was the happiest moment in Anastasias life. She loved Sebastian and her new life but she never knew it would end so quickly.

A new weapon had came out. It was a small gun and could be hidden easily. A man from the kingdom of Helia was sent to execute the queen. During their kiss he grabbed the gun and aimed at her. Quickly the gun was fired and Ana fell to the floor. Everyone scattered and left along with the gun men.

Anastasia laid on the cold floor and blood gushed from her.


"Ana no no no you can't die not today"

"Sebastian it's okay"

"Ana no it's not you can't die I love you I love you I love you"

"I lo, love you too" Ana said coughing blood having it stain her white dress.

Sebastian held her close and kept telling her it wasn't her time.

Finally Anastasia couldn't open her eyes and could only mumble words.

And there Anastasia was, falling towards the end but wanting to fall back to the beginning.

"Be a good king" was the last thing she whispered before her heart stoped beating.

Sebastian cried and cried still holding her dead body.
He was now king and lost his queen. Traditions always get broken he just wished it wasn't him who was the one alive.

Sorry for the sad ending but I wanted to show that not everyone gets their happy ever after.

This isn't the last chapter

The next will be an alternative ending in which no one dies

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