15| Letters

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Chapter Fifteen: Letters

Alone I've been alone for two weeks. No contact from the outside world and all by myself. Once I returned home my father punished me and no one was their to help.

No Meda to help me escape, no one. When I did find my way out I was just sent to my room with nothing to do. My mother took out all my puzzles, coloring tools, paper and books. All I was left to do was look out my window and cry.
(Meda was Delphines mother)

So that's exactly what I did. When I said I was numb earlier, I lied. Tears have been the only thing keeping me company besides Delphines short visits.

Mother has made the guards monitor her time being in my room and doesn't allow anything over five minutes. She only gets three five minutes trips a day that are only for when I get fed. Besides that I'm lonely.

Last week Delphine snuck me a single piece of paper and a pen to write with. Having only one person in mind to write to I did. Once I was done with the letter I sent Delphine on her way to give it to Sebastian.

She came back on her next visit and said she gave it to him. Patiently I've been waiting for a response but currently I don't have hope. Maybe the chemistry I thought we shared wasn't real. Truly I thought my letter said enough.

Every time I used the pen I thought the ink was going to smudge due to the tears that kept falling. Continuing I wrote the letter and let my feelings go directly on the piece of paper.

To Sebastian,

Long time no see huh? I'm sorry that I didn't contact you sooner. My mother took any writing utensils and I had to have Delphine, the person who gave you this letter sneak me a pen and paper. Thanks to her your now reading this and receiving it. Besides that I wanted to tell you how I am.

Honestly not that great. I was put in the torture room and had to figure out how to get out myself, once I got out I was placed back in my bedroom which was empty of anything I found entertaining. Mother had taken everything I found happiness in.

Besides that I wanted to tell you that I miss you and actually liked the kiss besides the part where you ran off. I'm sorry if you regret it because if you do please write back so I know and won't humiliate myself in the future.

Please don't contact me besides via letter.

Love Anastasia <3

"Oh Anastasia it's time for supper" Delphine said as she opened my door with a plate of food. She closed the door and smiled.

"I'm not hungry" I told her.

"No need to be sad all the time especially when I have a gift for you"

"Oh what is it?"

"You have to promise me to eat"

"Fine I'll eat now what is it?" Delphine went into her dress pocket and grabbed something. When she brought her hand out of the dress she had a envelope.

"Is it from Sebastian?"

"Yes he gave it to me an hour ago and in a rush, guess he missed you Ana"

"Oh whatever, now go I want to read it"

"Tell me what it says later" I nodded and quickly Delphine left. Looking down at the letter I felt my cheeks start to rise. The envelope was sealed with a wax and looked proper. I opened the envelope gently and grabbed the paper inside.

Scanning my eyes over the words I felt much better reading that he liked the kiss. He even said that he was hooked on me and missed me. My heart fluttered and I knew I had to write him back. Walking over to my bed I ripped a piece of fabric that I could write on. Placing the fabric on my desk I began writtimg.

Dear Sebastian,

It's Anastasia again, I received your letter and
now writing you back. I miss you to and hope to see
you again soon. Currently my rooms being
monitored but I'm sure I can find a way out. Also I'm glad you enjoyed the kiss to. Maybe I'll kiss you when I see you again.

Love Anastasia <3

"Anastasia you must get ready I know I haven't been the nicest go you but I need you to put a dress on and be out within ten minutes. Please meet me in the meeting room"


"Yes it's me now please get up and changed."

I did as he told me to and slipped on a gold dress along with black flats. Hurrying up and putting my hair in a bun I ran out of the room and into the meeting room.

"Father I'm here" I said quite loudly. Everyone turned and looked at me but the only person I looked at was my pale mother who sat in a chair.

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