21| Along Side No One

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Chapter Twenty One: Along Side No one

Grabbing the sword she walked over to her father and pointed it at him

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Grabbing the sword she walked over to her father and pointed it at him. The crowds eyes were huge and didn't know what would occur next. Many were cheering for her while the older men were telling her to stop.

She got close to her father and looked him in the eyes.

"Father make me queen along side no one, or I'll tell them the truth."

"They wouldn't believe you" he said harsh and loud enough for all of the citizens to hear.

Most of the women sent their children home while they stayed to watch what would go down.

"Fine if your going to be like that." She placed the sword in front of her.

"My father also your dear king is not as kind as he pretends to be. Growing up I was neglected and ignored. My maid Meda is the one who cared for me growing up. Sadly she passed due to my father slipping something in her drink. He was furious she thought me to read and write and his only solution  was to get rid of her."

Recently while Anastasia was held in her room she finally realized everything her father did. When Meda passed he said it was because she was sick. Meda was never sick that women was never sick a day in her life, and for her to die randomly because of a sickness was pure bullshit.

The crowd gasped and turned to Hector.

"That's not all, during the war when I was not yet born father did something horrific, he-"

"THATS ENOUGH!" He screamed.

Hector grabbed the sword from his guard next to him and pointed it to Anastasia.

"If you want to fight till the death then that's what will do".

"Everyone on my side meet me at the palace, anyone who chooses Anastasias side stay here".

"The fight will begin at half past five". 

Hector left and so did some of the men in the crowd. He turned back and saw that only some people were following him. He screamed again but continued his way to the palace.

Anastasia turned back around and looked at the many people that stayed to fight on her side. She smiled at them and curtsied.

"Okay first things first" Anastasia took the mask covering her face and slid it off".

Realizing, many people had seen her before and just not made the connection.

"What's first princess" Sebastian yelled through the crowd.

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