12| Ran Off

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Chapter Twelve: Ran Off

"I'm sorry she just came in announced and you weren't here" Delphine said looking down. I didn't blame her because it was my fault. I was the one who snuck out and stayed later then I originally planned.

"Go Delphine I'll handle this and your luckily I don't feel like firing you" my mother said. Delphine looked up at me and walked out of the room. After the door shut my mother gave me an intense look.

"So my daughter feels like sneaking out? Why? Is there a boy? Are you really that much of a whore?"

"Mom please stop" I said to her. She walked towards me and spit in my direction.

"Your a fucking slut aren't you?"

"No mother I'm not I just wanted to venture a bit"

"Why you see town all the time?"

"No I don't mother you and father only let me go out if it involves something for our image"

"Well of course darling that's the only thing I care about. I don't care about you but power, power is everything."

"No it's not mother power isn't everything" i tried to explain.

"Don't talk back to me you little whore" she said as she stepped forward and grabbed my face.

"Please stop" I blurted out.

"No it's too fun making your life miserable. Besides I have no one else to be mean to since I'm such a amazing and kind queen."

"Your lucky that one day you'll be queen and rule but  you'll have to wait until your father and I are dead. We wouldn't want to see you in any power while we're alive."

"Mother please go" I begged still feeling her cold fingers on my face.

"Fine I'll even keep your little secret. Just don't get caught and I won't tell your father, he wouldn't be pleased to hear that your sneaking out. Wouldn't want that to be out on the newspapers that little sweet princess is out being a slut."

After her sentence my mother left my room and slammed the door. Instantly I felt tears rushing down my face and I wanted to die.

So badly I wanted to just die or even disappear. I will never live up to be anything my mother wants. For the rest of my life she'll hate me and for what?

Waking up I felt the dry tears on my face. Soon after I woke up several maids came in and flooded my room. One came with a food tray and sat me up to eat. I ate while another brushed my hair and picked out my dress.

After eating the one took my tray away and sent me to the washroom to shower and brush my teeth. After doing so I was put back into my bedroom to put my dress on. The lady put the corset on me and started tightening it. After she did so she slipped on the dress. It was red and not as puffy as usual.

"What's the schedule today?" I asked them since they only come in and dress me when my parents need me ready.

"Oh your highness we don't know actually" the maid explained.

"Oh okay" I replied to her as they left.

To make the time go faster I picked up my favorite book and started reading. Most girls were illiterate due to the lack of female student education in this kingdom but I was taught by Delphines mother.

My mother and father wouldn't have never approved but by the time they found out I was already reading at a high level and could write very well.

Soon enough my reading was interrupted by my mother.

"Come on your little whore we have to go and don't cry we wouldn't want the people to see it."

Following my mother I got in the carriage along with my father as well. The ride wasn't long and soon the horses stopped to our destination. Getting out of the carriage i heard the loud screams come from the towns people.

"Looking as beautiful as ever princess Anastasia"

"Anastasia would you consider marrying my son"

"Oh just look at Anastasias dress"

"How long does it take for you to get ready each morning?"

Making my way past the people I smile at them and head towards the stage. I stood in the back and waited for my parents to stand in front of me and say whatever their speech was about.

I looked in the crowd and scanned the audience to see if Hera was their. Sadly she wasn't and I went back to thinking before I did see someone familiar it wasn't Hera but actually it was Sebastian.

What would he be doing at a royal gathering?

He's said before that he hates my family so why would he show up here?

"Hello my fellow people" my father said as he put on his fake smile.

The crowd went loud and started yelling again.

"Settle down settle down"

"As you've guys seen girls have been going to school recently".

"As a king and man I don't like that, girls should not be literate and only learn the essentials, cooking cleaning ect."

My blood boiled from my fathers words and I couldn't hold myself in any longer.

I stepped forward and stood next to my father, Sebastian eyes widened as he didn't know if I was agreeing with him or about to say something.

"Father I have to disagree" I spoke.

The crowd extra turned silent and all looked at me.

"Excuse me" my father turned to look at me.

"I disagree father I think girls should continue to somewhat learn the same education as boys"

"Father it isn't fair that they should be the only ones with "basic knowledge"

"I'm sorry my fellow citizens it seems my daughter doesn't know what she's talking about".

My father was about to shove me down the stairs and back into the carriage before the towns people started yelling at him.

"I agree with her" a mans voice yelled

"As do I"

"You should listen to your daughter"

"It would create more jobs if girls were to learn as well"

My father turned around and looked angry.

"I tried to please all you males but you don't seem to understand."

"Women are useless and are only something when they have children."

"All they serve is a personal maid."

My mother looked displeased at his words but didn't say anything. She yells at me to take out her hatred for my father. I only realize that now.

Quickly I removed myself from his grip and went back on stage.

"Girls will continue getting the little education their reviving now and in the future their will be more opportunities once I'm queen."

I made my statement and hurried off into a separate carriage that the guards were in.

I gave them the location of the garden and they hesitantly agreed.

Basically I ran off.

Oh my god I ran off

My parents are going to absolutely kill me.

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