18| Fresh Baked Goods

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Chapter Eighteen: Fresh Baked Goods

Going into the dinning room I found two men I didn't recognize. One had fluffy blonde hair and blue eyes, he was attractive but definitely not my type.

The other had tanned skin with hazel eyes, he was also attractive but again not my type. My types more, Sebastian.

"Father who are these people?" I asked seeing two people I've never seen before.

"Your suitors"

"For what marriage?" I said jokingly


"Excuse me what father?"

"Honey your mothers dying and soon I will too"

"I've realized that one day you'll be queen and I've changed my mind, I would like to see you queen"

"So why do I need a husband?"

"To have someone on your side when you rule"

"Every queen must have a king"

"Father I simply don't think so, I'm positive I'll rule well just by myself"

"I'm sure you will but I want you to be married when you rule"

"Does it have to be of of these two suitors?"


Feeling infuriated and annoyed I sat down gracefully. Putting on a fake smile i sat between both men.

My father sat down across from us and clapped his hands ordering the maids to bring out the food. They did so and the table now had all kinds of food on it.

"Thank you" I said to the maids as they walked away.

"Theirs no need to thank them, your the princess their just maids". The one with hazel eyes said to me.

"I still think they deserved to be thanked" I said annoyed. The man didn't seem fazed and turned away to eat his food.

"How old are you?" the blonde one asked.

I pointed to myself and he nodded his head.

"Eighteen turning nineteen soon" He nodded his head again and began cutting up his food with a knife and fork. Quietly my father left with the hazel eyed boy and I was left alone with the other.

"Since their gone can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead"

"What's wrong you seem upset, clearly your father hasn't noticed or hasn't asked what's wrong".

"Nothing I just don't want to be married"

"I feel the exact same way my mother was the one to send me here. I never wanted to be married and still don't. Your father told me in the end you have to choose which of us to marry so please, don't pick me"

I slowly nodded my head and smiled.

"I won't, what's your name?"


"And where are you from Alexander?" I said as father and the other boy were waking back in the room.

"I'm from the kingdom of Helia".

I nodded and began eating my food even though I wasn't hungry. In the end I ended up slipping most of it to the dog under the table.

"I'm going to go so all three of you can talk" my father announced leaving his empty plate at the table.

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