26| Happy Birthday

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Chapter Twenty Six: Happy Birthday

Waking up I didn't feel Sebastians presence. Quickly I got up and didn't see him. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

No response. Going to my closet he also wasn't there. Quickly I put on a gown and ran off to find him.

"Have you seen Sebastian?" I asked a maid walking in the halls.

"Sorry dear I haven't"

"Okay thank you" she nodded her head and continued cleaning.

I ran to another part of the building and ran into something or someone.



"I was coming to get you".

"Oh. Well where'd you go?"

"Doesn't matter just follow me" he said giving me his hand. I grabbed it and walked with him to the dinning room. On the table was dozens of cookies and cupcakes.

"What's this for?"

"Happy birthday" Delphine yelled along with Sebastian.

That's when I realized. I forgot about my birthday. How could I forget my birthday I thought.

"Aww thank you guys so much!"

"No problem love" Sebastian said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I walked over to Delphine and gave her a big hug.

"I love you so much" I said whispering in her ear.

"I love you to" she said back.

Sitting down I noticed that the cookies looked different then what the maids usually made on occasions.

"It's mom's recipe".


She nodded and I got excited and grabbed several cookies. I tasted one and it did taste like Medas.

"Thank you guys so much"

"Today's not over yet Hera is on her way"

"What about Evangeline?"

"She can't make it because of work".


Soon enough Hera arrived.

"Anastasia!" She yelled running towards me. I hugged her tightly and brushed the piece of hair covering her face.

"Sit down Hera and have a cookie" She did and ate several while making conversation with all of us. Hours had passed and Sebastian told me, Delphine and Hera to go out and shop while he prepares for dinner. I guess he wanted to be sweet and make us food.

"Anastasia wouldn't this dress look stunning on Hera" it was a red dress with some ruffles.

"Definitely" I replied.

"Go try it on Hera"

"Delphine what do you think of this?"


I nodded and blushed a bit. Since Sebastian had been so sweet I decided that I would do something for him. The piece I picked up was a green lacy bra with panties.

"I think you would look great in it. Just put it in your basket before Hera sees it wouldn't want to traumatize her."

"Oh whatever"

"Okay I changed what do you guys think."

"Hera you look so pretty"

"She's right Hera you look amazing"

We shopped a bit more and finally checked out. We dropped Hera home since it was getting late and made our way back to the palace.

"I'm going to go"

What about the dinner Sebastian made?

"Honey that wasn't for me that was for you".

"I'm sure he would be alright if you-"

"Go Ana he's waiting for you on the balcony".

Running to the balcony I stoped and looked at what Sebastian did. He made us sandwiches.

"Sorry I don't really know how to cook. I was going to make chicken but it burnt".

I laughed and walked towards him. I gave him a kiss on the lips and looked him in the eyes.

"I love you"


I nodded and saw a smile appear on Sebastians face.

"I love you Anastasia"

"Ana do you know how to dance?"

"Of course I do I grew up in the royal family"

"What I'm trying to say is Anastasia would you like to dance with me".

"I would be honored"

He grabbed my shoulder with one hand and placed the other on my waist. I wrapped my hands around his neck and we began moving around in slow circles. After awhile I got dizzy and sat down to eat my sandwich. Sebastian looked at me while I ate.


"Nothing you just looked rather cute."

I rolled my eyes and he got up.

"What do I say about rolling your eyes".

"What are you going to do?"


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