16| Mistake

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Chapter Sixteen: Mistake

Looking at my mother I could tell she was sick and that something was wrong. Yes I hated her but I didn't want to see her like this. No matter how much I despise her no one should be sick and look like this.

"Father what's wrong with her?"

"That's what I called you down for"

"She's sick and has the illness that's been affecting some of the town"

"I don't understand she doesn't look like the others who got sick, she looks much worse" When saying that I felt my mother glare at me.

"Yes and so I called the doctor to look at her"

"She's going to die, theirs no cure and theirs nothing we can do besides be with her till she passes".

"Hector I told you I don't want to spend time with that filthy whore, I rather die with just you by my side".

"Penelope I told you to be fucking nice she's your daughter and your dying, don't you want at least one good memory of her".


"Everyone out of this room!".

As I was exciting the room I heard father say something.

"Not you Anastasia".

I stayed back and sat back on the couch.

"Penelope I'm sick and tired of you I've been a bitch to Anastasia since she was young because you told me to. I even embarrassed her because you told me to during the assembly a few weeks ago. I never understand why but I did as you asked because your my wife. She's your child for gods sake."

"I don't care if she is my child she was a mistake".

I looked down to the floor and felt a tear stream down my cheek.

A mistake that's all I am to her. An unwanted mistake she had because she needed an heir. She probably didn't even want children.

"Mother did you ever want child or am I really that much of a burden to you?"

"I wanted, I wanted children but when I had you I hated it. Before I had you I gave birth to a son. He was stillborn but absolutely adorable. He was everything to me but he wasn't alive. He was dead and I was forced to let him go. When I got pregnant you with you I was so excited. I wanted another son that looked just like him but I received a girl instead. Yes she was adorable and cute but also not what I wanted".

"So I dreaded you and treated you like a burden because you are one. Once you were born your father adored you, for many years he did until I told him to stop and recent you. You took all the attention away from me so I had to do something. So we both ignored you and had what's her name raise you. Oh Meda she raised you well".

"Oh and over time your father actually started to recent you and it worked, well until now apparently suddenly he likes you". Anyways all I have to say is I'm going to die hating you."

My eyes were now really filled with tears. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. Looking in the in mirror I stared at my reflection and it wasn't pretty.

My eyes had dark circles underneath and my cheeks were stained from dried tears.

"Anastasia can I please come in" my fathers voice said. As much as I didn't want to speak to anyone I needed something. A hug.

Unlocking the door I felt my fathers presence.

"Can I hug you" I nodded slightly and opened my arms for him.

"I'm sorry Anastasia for everything I did. Everything I ever did that was horrible I'm sorry for".



"Are you sorry for pushing a man in the of the way of a canon during the war just for you to survive and not him?"

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