19| Prize

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Chapter Nineteen: Prize

"Who's the girl?" I asked confused.

"She's me and Hera's cousin Calliope but we call her Cali"

I nodded my head an gave her my hand to shake. The girl smiled at me and went in for an unexpected hug.

"Sorry I don't really do handshakes, but I do hugs".

After the hug I stepped back from the girl and smiled at her.

"Now Sebastian leave us alone it's a girls night tonight".

"But I just got-"

"I don't want to hear it go Sebastian" Cali said holding her hand up ignoring what he was going to say earlier.

"Wait I'll walk you out Sebastian I said before he could leave"

He existed the door and I followed.

"So my-" Sebastian interrupted me by smashing his lips against mine.

He kissed me rough and pushed me against a tree on the side walk. Good thing no one was around to watch.

Violently he pulled my hair and shoved his tongue in my mouth. I let him have access and bit his lip to tease him. Eventually we ran out of breath and Sebastian stepped back.

"What were you going to say?"

Snapping back into reality I remembered what I was going to say, I was going to tell Sebastian about the suitors my father set up for me.

"Well that wasn't exactly apart of the plan" Sebastian said after telling him what happened last night.

"I know right"

It was honestly unexpected.

"Clearly, maybe you just need to slip some poison in his drink."

"Maybe" I laughed but Sebastian looked serious.

"Oh your serious?" I questioned.

"Yeah you and I both want that bastard dead."

"You think poison would do the trick?"

"Definitely and it's not traceable like a stab womb".


"But where would I get it?"

"It comes from a plant that my aunt actually has."

"Why would your aunt have a plant like that?"

"If you use low doses it can be good in desserts and foods".


"When could we get our hands on that?"

"Cali probably brought some".

"Ask her or take it?"

"I'll give you some later".

"Have a good night Miss Mena" I said waving her off. Before I could make it to the sidewalk I was pulled by something or someone.

"Sebastian what are you doing" I whispered. He put his finger over my mouth meaning for me to shush, I did so. He then went into his pocket and gave put a bottle in my hands.

"Is this the poison?"

He nodded his head and sent me on my way. I shoved it into my gown pocket and headed home.
After entering the palace doors I quickly hurried to my room. Slowly creaking the door open was my father crying and sitting on my bed.

Trying to be a nice and good daughter I decided to ask the obvious question.

"What's wrong father?"

"Your mother, she, she passed away earlier today" he said while tears were following down his cheeks.

"Oh I'm sorry father" I said walking towards him opening my arms for a hug. He opened his arms and let me in. He smelt like beer and cigars. I ignored it and focused on the prize, his death.

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