24| Consent

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Chapter Twenty Four: Consent

"Oh whatever" Anastasia said rolling her eyes

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"Oh whatever" Anastasia said rolling her eyes.

Sebastian grabbed Ana's throat again and held it tightly.

"Don't roll your eyes at me"

He released his grip and put one of his hands under Ana's dress. He felt her panties and ripped them from her leaving her underneath bare. He then put one of his fingers inside her and began pumping in and out. Anastasias legs tightened and she felt weak.

Continuing Sebastian added a finger and started swirling her insides.

"Your already wet Ana"

All she could respond with was a moan.

Still continuing he kept hitting her weak spot and had Anastasias legs weak.

When she was about to organism he took his fingers out and let Anastasias cum drip down her legs.

Once her juices stoped flowing he turned her over and unzipped her dress. Once it was slipped off he began touching her back. He wanted to feel every inch of her skin. He then spanked her ass and Anastasia reaction was to jump. Sebastian laughed and flipped her back over only having a bra left on.

He then began kissing and sucking on her neck leaving hickeys. While kissing her he undid her bra and if feel to the floor. Anastasia quickly pushed Sebastian back and sat him on the bed. She went down to his pants and undid them. Sebastian helped her out and slid them down for her.

Anastasia stared at his bulge and giggled inside. She took his underwear and slid them off to the floor. His dick then sprung out and was now in Ana's face. She grabbed it and became pumping it with her hands.

"Stop teasing me"

Anastasia giggled before responding.

"Be patient love".

After playing with it for a bit she finally took it in and began bobbing her head back and forth. She thanked the lords for not having a gag reflex. She then took his balls in her hand and began messaging them. Sebastian moaned uncontrollably and titled his head back. He grabbed Ana's hair and pulled on it.

"Damn it Ana i think I'm-" was all he could say before liquid started flowing into Ana's mouth. She swallowed and continued until Sebastian couldn't take it and lifted her body and placed her on the bed.

Sebastian looked Ana in the eye and she nodded giving him consent. Once she nodded he went to her lips and began kissing her once again. Once he was done with her lips he went to her neck, then her breasts. Once to her breast he spit on her left nipple and began playing with it. Finally he took it to his mouth and began sucking/biting on it. Ana arched her back and loudly moaned.

"Moan all you want baby no one can hear you".

Once done with both breasts he made his way to Ana's area. Before placing himself in her he began teasing her.

"Sebastian" she said pleading.

"Ana what do you want?"


Once the words hit her mouth he thrusted into her. He quickened the paste and Ana was moaning all over the place along with Sebastian. Still Sebastian was pounding into her. Quickly Sebastian flipped Ana on top of him and she became confused.

"What do I do?" Ana asked

"Just follow what I do".

Ana nodded and Sebastian placed his hands on her waist to control her movements. Soon she understood the task and quickened the paste. Sebastian let out a loud moan and felt himself build up inside.

"Come with me Ana".

They stoped for a second and both their juices followed on each other. Sebastian gathered some of Ana's on his finger and licked it.

"So sweet".

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