14| I Miss Her

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Chapter Fourteen: I Miss Her

Chapter Fourteen: I Miss Her

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I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that. The sentence kept running threw my head. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that. I can't believe I did that.

I kissed Anastasia. I kissed the fucking enemy, and I liked it. 

Honestly I liked it, feeling her plump soft lips against mine was just, just so, I don't know how to describe it.

Never in a million years did I ever expect to kiss the princess and for her being the one to make the first move was bold. I could have never done it but she did it for me.

And I kissed her back? I didn't just kiss her back but also gave her several hickeys and bruises from squeezing her thigh. And what did I do? I fucking ran off like a child. I'm so embarrassed with myself I can't even.

Currently I'm close to home and about to take a shower to rinse off from all the sweat I've accumulated from running away. Getting close to the door I quickly got my key out and used it to open the door. Soon after I gathered my clothes I ran and took my much needed shower.

"She told me what happened".

"What?" I asked confused to Hera.

"She said you kissed her, and from the hickeys on her neck you weren't to gentle doing so".

"Hera can we please not talk about this"

"You kissed someone?" my mother interrupted.

"Yeah he kissed someone her name is Anastasia and she's the-"

"Hera stop"

"She's the what? Go on Hera"

"Never mind I guess Sebastian will be the one to tell you." Hera stated before leaving the room to go outside and water the plants.

"Sebastian tell me what Hera was going to say"

"It's nothing mom" I replied to her.

"Tell me son"

"Will you not be mad at me?"

"Of course not honey I love you no matter what"

"Now you better tell me before I hit you"

"Okay okay calm down mom"

"I kissed Anastasia, the princess"

"Wait seriously?"

I nodded and looked down because it didn't want to cause her disappointment due to the way father died.

"Honey I'm just shocked she would kiss you back"

"I mean have you seen her she's just beautiful and the speech she made, oh I heard about it and dang she's a strong one for standing up against her father"

"Your not mad?"

"No I'm not mad why would I be?"

Because of father and how-

"Yes that was devastating and I will hate the king forever because of that but I believe that she isn't her father. I've seen that princess grow up I even worked for her once and she's nothing like her father so please don't think that'd I'd be mad at you. Huh maybe you could be king one day?"

"Okay slow your roll Mom that's definitely not going to happen I just kissed her once for gods sake"

"Dont speak to me like that. And now if you don't mind I'm going out with Victoria."

"Okay mom have fun" waving goodbye to her.

Guess my mother approves of her and she hasn't even met her. Well technically she has but not recently.

It has been two weeks since me and Anastasia kissed and I haven't seen her. She hasn't made any recent appearances that her father has held. Or any appearances at all as a matter of fact.

I don't know if she's stayed hidden because of me or because no ones let her out into the public eye.

Definitely the second reason. Recently I found out who Anastasias best friend is. She found me one day and explained who she was.

Turns out she was one of Anastasias personal maids. The girl gave me a letter addressed from Anastasia. It told me that she wasn't okay and not to try and contact her unless it was through a letter.

Today I decided enough was enough of me being quite and I finally contacted her.

Dear Anastasia,

It's me Sebastian, you probably already knew that but oh well. It's been two weeks since, well you know. Personally I didn't think I'd get attached to you since my hatred towards your family but things changed. Once your soft lips hit mine I knew I'd be hooked. And man aren't I. I miss you and would like to see you again. Sorry for running off. My heart and brain weren't exactly working together and I ran. I'm sorry for that and would like to see you again. Hope everything's well with you currently.

Sincerely, Sebastian

Putting the letter in an envelope I sealed it and ran off to my fathers garden where I hoped I would find Delphine. Sure enough she was their.

I ran up towards her and handed her the letter. She smiled up at me and took the letter. Wasting no time I thanked her and told her to quickly bring the letter to Anastasia.

She did so and left in a hurry.

She should hurry, I really want to hear from Anastasia again. I miss her.

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