29| Another Queen To Rule

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Chapter Twenty Nine: Another Queen To Rule

This is the alternative ending, the main ending being Anastasias death

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This is the alternative ending, the main ending being Anastasias death. Enjoy!

"You may kiss the bride".

Sebastian swiftly grabbed Anastasia and kissed her holding her bridal style. It was the happiest moment in Anastasias life. She loved Sebastian and her new life that they built together.

After the ceremony they all went to their large ball room and danced for hours.

"Would you like to dance one last time Mrs Mena?"

"I would love to Mr Mena".

Anastasia took Sebastians hand and went for one last dance for the night. He kept whispering things in her ear that would make her blush.

Finally they said goodbye to all their guests and went to bed. Well not to bed but to the bedroom. Anastasia and Sebastian stayed up all night.

Two Years Later...

"Just one more push darling and they'll be out".

"Sebastian shut up your not the one giving birth".

"I freaking hate you for this we're never having-"

"She's out" a nurse said

"She?" Sebastian asked.

The nurse nodded and took the baby to get rinsed off.

"Another queen to rule" Sebastian said still holding Anastasias hand.

"Do you two have a name in mind".

"Yes but can I see her first to make sure it suits her".

"Of course dear be careful with her head".

Ana nodded and was given her baby.

"Hermione Ophelia Mena" She said holding her baby.

"That's a beautiful name I'll write it down and be out of your hair".

Soon the nurse left and Sebastian and Anastasia were left with their baby.

"She's beautiful"

"Just like you"

"I think she looks more like you"

"Definitely not"

"I still think she does"

"Well she has your beautiful blue eyes"

"Let's just agree that she looks like both of us"


"Your going to be an amazing father"

"And your going to be an amazing mother"

Many things happen behind closed doors and a new princess was born. Sebastian and Anastasia lived together happy and did go through their small battles together but in the end they stayed together and lived out the rest of their lives.

Behind the walls.

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