20| Right Mindset

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Chapter Twenty: Right Mindset

Thinking of an idea Anastasia asked her father if he wanted tea

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Thinking of an idea Anastasia asked her father if he wanted tea. He accepted and Anastasia went to the kitchen to make the drink.

She poured the tea from the kettle into the cup and was about to add the poison in but a chef walked in and Anastasia stopped herself from doing it.

Walking back to to her room she felt disappointed at the miss opportunity but continued on her way. She tried adding it in the halls but their were too many guards to not get caught so instead she just brought the unpoisoned tea to her father.

"Thank you" he said to her cold as he was trying to compress the feelings of losing his wife just hours before.

Anastasia nodded and was about to leave until her wrist was pulled back. Hector sat the tea on the desk and went in for one last hug.

"I know she didn't treat you well but I loved her so much"

"I understand that father and I feel bad but at the same time I don't".

Quickly hector pulled back and looked at Ana who shed no tears.

"You don't feel bad thats she's gone" he said in an angry manner.

"Well I do but-" she said weak.

"Clearly you don't, thanks for the tea I'm going to go and grieve my wife somewhere else". Hector stormed out of the room and grabbed his tea. Once in the hallway he threw it and the dish came crashing to the floor.

What a childish bastard Anastasia thought to herself. ____________________________________

The next day arrived. Anastasia and her father put on black clothes to announce to everyone that the queen had passed. When finally getting into town hall every citizen attended.

Stepping out of the carriage and onto the stage Anastasia stood in the front while her father stood in the back. Everyone was confused since this wasn't what usually happened but went along with it.

"My father gathered all of you here today to make an announcement. But since he's not in the "right mindset" I'll be doing it instead."

"As you all know a sickness has been going around and many people have been affected by it."

"My mother or so the queen had also been affected by it and recently passed yesterday evening".

The crowd gasped and looked down to pretend to be sad. Most of them didn't like the queen and were actually secretly happy that she passed.

Hector moved to the front and decided to add something to the announcement.

"I've decided to retire and make Anastasia queen but a new king will also be in rule, his name is Alexander".

"He's third in line for his crown which means he won't ever be king so I decided that he could be our king and rule along side Anastasia."

Anastasia was furious, not at Alexander but at her father. He would be king and hold all the power since that's what usually happened even if the king wasn't born in the bloodline.

"Actually father I decided that I rule alongside no one"

"Anastasia that's never been done you can't break the rules"

"There's no rule that states a queen can't rule along side no one".

Going into the town hall building she left the stage and went to grab the book that had every rule ever placed in the kingdom. When coming back to the stage she opened the book with the rules for royals section. Flipping to the page when it states how coronations should be done she turned to the one with only one ruler.

"Okay I'm going to read this section" Anastasia said out loud.

"Those who choose to rule with no one along side them may still rule in full power. No King/Queen is needed to succeed the thrown. Coronations don't require both King and Queen."

The crowd applauded her and Hera's eyes shinned as happiness was beaming off her.

"Well I don't care what the book says, you'll never be queen if you don't marry Alexander"

"That's against the rules of you to deny her" a citizen yelled.

Hector was mad.

"Arrest who ever said that" hector yelled to a guard. He did so and put the women in handcuffs and lead her to the carriage to be thrown in prison.

"You can't do that father" Anastasia yelled to him.

"I can still do whatever I want. I AM KING." Hector said angrily before slapping Anastasia to where she fell.

Sitting on the floor Anastasia was done and over him. She walked over to a guard and asked for his weapon. He complied and gave the sword to her. Anastasia was trained well and knew how to fight. If fighting her father to the death is what needed to be done she'd do it.

Anastasia was over with her father controlling her.

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