07| Identity Confirmed

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Chapter Seven: Identity Confirmed

Anastasia nerves sky rocked and she didn't know what to do

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Anastasia nerves sky rocked and she didn't know what to do. Could she trust this kid or Sebastian? Could she trust anyone with her real identity? Before she could think more Hera said something once more.

"Sorry I didn't mean to say that, it just came out". Anastasia sighed and looked at her with worried eyes. Ana wasn't a good lier when it came to anyone besides her parents so she knew she eventually would have to come clean, but would she be able to trust Hera?

"No, no it's fine my real name is Anastasia, Ana is short for it". Anastasias logic was to tell Hera her real name just not tell her, her exact identity until she was trustworthy. Ana's trust wasn't given out easily so only few people had earned it.

"We should probably go out for dinner" Sebastian said to fill in the silence. Both Anastasia and Hera nodded and followed him into the main part of town.

Ana put her face covering on and continued on her way. As soon as her mask was on Hera definitely knew that Ana was the princess of Salona. She had been to many of Anastasias events and knew it was her as soon as her face covering was on.

Anastasia was an unforgettable person and everyone knew that. Hera was always curious of who Anastasia was as a person so now was her chance. Would she be as nice as she's seen in public? Or is she the total opposite? No one knew her true identity so she could be anyone.

Going to the restaurant not many people passed by but the ones who did, did a double take just to look at Anastasia. Her beauty was captivating and Sebastian noticed it too.

When Sebastian first saw Anastasia he had to make sure this was the same girl he talked to the night before. The first thing he noticed were Ana's light blue eyes.

He saw that they weren't ocean blue like most people with blue eyes but rather an icy blue. They had an almost glass like apprrance. The next thing he went to was Ana's long wavy black hair. It went to her back but at the same time Anastasias frame was small.

She had always been tiny but compared to Sebastian she was very tiny. Sebastian was definitely over six foot and towered over Ana's five foot one self. Anastasia noticed Sebastian and how he was attractive but didn't think anything after.

She simply just thought he was good looking and forgot about it. Ana was never allowed to have a dating life because of her father. He said that he'd pick her husband once he thought that she was ready and that would be it.

Anastasia never disagreed with her father because she knew if she did then she would be punished and that was something Ana despised.

When Anastasia was young and she got in trouble her father would put her in this room. The room was a glass maze and would confuse anyone put in it. Ana's only way of getting out was to figure it out herself.

Delphines mom would be the only one to help Ana. Ana herself couldn't figure it out so Delphines mom would have to get her out.

Every time she was placed in there she would get out because of Delphines mother. Clearly her father hated her and Anastasia was okay with this. She never did anything to win his approval and never would, Ana wasn't a people pleaser.

She did things for herself. Anastasia would never do something to herself only to benefit someone else besides her.

Finally all three of them went to the restaurant and headed inside. During their whole walk no one noticed Ana. Why would they she wasn't wearing her "normal clothes" and her hair wasn't up in a formal updo. She looked normal and Ana liked it. She liked not having to wear a big formal ball gown.

"Table for three" Sebastian said. The person nodded and took the three of them to a table in the back. After they sat down they ordered their food and drinks and would sit their waiting for it to come out.

Ana had her face covering off and was now exposed. No one knew who she was and she looked normal. Ana was comfortable and sat there talking with Hera and Sebastian. They had a conversation and laugher could be heard from all three of them. Before Ana could comprehend her surrounds a familiar women came into the restaurant.

It was one of Ana's maids.

One of Ana's maids that dressed her and had seen her face before.

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