10| Not Like Them

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Chapter Ten: Not Like Them

Dragging my sister back home was rough, she really was fighting it

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Dragging my sister back home was rough, she really was fighting it. Soon enough she'll know the reason why I dragged her back home instead of staying with that princess bitch who's at dads garden. My own fathers garden because he's dead instead of her dad.

"Sebastian I don't understand why you made us leave I told you I wanted to stay and talk to her. She's my friend and she bought me candy."

"I don't care if she bought you candy Hera she's a bad person" I replied angrily. Hera rolled her eyes and continued being difficult.

"Will you finally explain why you dragged me back home. And like I've said she's not a bad-"


"Wait what?"

" Yes Hera the king killed our dad"

"Will you explain how he died you never told me"


"He was sent to war along with the king and since I didn't want him to go I snuck on a truck that carried food. I stayed hidden during the battle but saw everything that was happening. A canon was fired and pointed to the kings direction. Instead of taking the fire he pushed dad in the way and he died"

"Okay so from what I understand she's a bad person because of something her dad did when she was a child"


"No Sebastian that's not how it works. Like she said earlier her parents treat her badly and she's never even been hugged before. Clearly she's not like them"

"I just don't think-"

"I don't care what you think she's not her dad. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go back and apologize for your actions."

"Whatever Hera don't be mad if she's different then what you expected"

Hera rolled her eyes and slammed the door when leaving. Clearly she was mad but I didn't care.

Suddenly an idea popped into my head, I could get close to Anastasia and eventually get close to the king to where when he isn't paying attention I could kill him.

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