22| It Will Be Okay

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Chapter Twenty Two: It Will Be Okay

After showering together the two put there clothes back on and headed towards town hall

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After showering together the two put there clothes back on and headed towards town hall. Anastasia was nervous but also confident with her amount of training and with Sebastian being on her side.Finally being at town hall she saw someone familiar.

"Alexander?!" She yelled.

Alexander turned and faced Anastasia with a wide smile. Ana ran towards him and gave him a hug.

"What are you doing here!?"

"I heard about the battle and wanted to help".

"Really that would be amazing".

Sebastian walked up and was jealous. "Who does he think he is hugging my Ana" he thought to himself.

"Oh this is Sebastian my, my friend he's helped train some people who are fighting with me today".

"That's great nice to meet you Sebastian" Alexander said giving him his hand to shake.

Reluctant Sebastian shook it.

"Oh Sebastian this is Alexander he's from another kingdom and came to help."

Sebastian nodded his head and walked off. Anastasia waved Alexander off and went to follow him.

"Sebastian wait up"

"Why your just gonna run off and go to him again"

Anastasia laughed and stoped. Sebastian turned around and looked at her annoyed.

"Your jealous" Ana said smiling after laughing.


"Yes you are"

"Anyways Sebastian he's just a friend, father set me up with him but we both agreed that we didn't like each other."

"Oh" Sebastian said walking back to Ana.

He squeezed her tightly.

"Your mine and no ones else's got it".

Ana laughed and agreed.

"I'm yours as long as your mine".

The battle finally began and many of hectors men were falling left and right. Clearly they weren't as trained as they thought they were. Hector was in full rage and running towards a familiar face. He saw Sebastian and started yelling at him.

"I should have killed your whole family. Your father was a decent man but you, you have done nothing but spill lies to my daughter."

"I didn't spill lies to her unlike you I have been honest with her about everything" Sebastian said back using his sword to defend himself.

"So your telling me before you met her you thought she was a decent person. Your telling me you didn't hate her for who I was?"

"There's no need to explain myself all I know is that I make your daughter happy".

As Sebastian was going to end Hector once and for all he slipped up and missed.

"You may make her happy but you don't know how to use a sword".

Hector had the chance and finally stabbed someone, it wasn't Sebastian but rather Alexander. Sebastian realized what happened and got furious. Quickly he stabbed hector back and he fell to the ground bleeding out.

"That's what you deserve. See you in hell" Sebastian said hovering over hectors dying body.

Anastasia was surrounded by men and was by herself. Spinning around she managed to throw all her knifes at each and everyone of them. Before leaving she grabbed her knifes and placed them
back in her belt.

Walking over to a person on her team she helped them out and once again left hectors men to die on the ground.

Finally she was done and ran to Sebastian. She went over there only to see Alexander's dying body on the ground.

"No" she cried out.

Anastasia fell to the grown and went over to hold Alexander's hand.

"It's fine Anastasia just a-" was all Alexander could say before coughing up blood.

Anastasia ran her fingers threw his hair and kept telling him to keep his eyes open.

Finally when Alexander's eyes shut and his pulse was no longer Anastasia broke down and started crying. Sebastian held her and was stroking her hair telling her it will all be okay. Anastasia was sobbing until no more tears could leave her body. Finally she stood up wiped her tears and went over everyone on her team.

"We did it" a man yelled.

Everyone else started yelling and chanting while Anastasia stayed quiet.

"We did do it but lost many people along the way. Tomorrow I'm going to hold a funeral for a friend and many others who also lost someone today as well".

Everyone became silent and bowed their headed at Anastasia.

"What are you all doing?" She asked confused

"We're bowing to our queen".

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