04| Dads Garden

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Chapter Four: Dads Garden

It was around 9 in the morning and I finally made it back home

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It was around 9 in the morning and I finally made it back home. My mother, sister and I live in a small cottage. My father built it for my mom and she refuses to live anywhere else even though it was meant for only two people to live in.

It had only one bedroom but had a little den we converted into Hera's room. Hera is my little sister and I love her so much, she may have an attitude sometimes but she means everything to me.

After our father died I stepped up and tried to raise her the best I could do since mom was grieving for years. I wasn't allowed to grieve because my sister was just a baby and needed to be raised.

Hera didn't even get to meet our father but I've told her story's of him and how he's take me and mom to this garden and how's we all have a picnic there. The garden has so many memories there which is why I choose to go there every night. Usually no ones there when I go because of the curfew but I met someone their, Ana.

Ana, she's a strange girl, we had a small conversation besides her asking me to show her around. Honestly I don't understand why'd she want to come to this town.

1 we don't have anything exciting here and 2 it just sucks. The kings a dick and his wife doesn't do anything. The only royal that's ever done anything is the princess. She seems nice on the outside but on the inside I'm sure she's as bad as her parents.

But since she's the princess no ones really seen her. Once your finally leader or married to one is when your allowed to show your face. It's a strange rule but the royal family is strange as is.

"Brother!" Hera yelled, stepping into the dinning room.

"Hera", replying to her. She smiled and opened her arms for a hug. Since she's short I leaned down to her and gave her a hug.

"Your so short Hera"

"No im not your just tall".

"What are you up to today Hera?" I asked questioning her.

"Well I have lessons then after I would like you to take me dinner and we can eat at dads garden"

"I don't know Hera I agreed to show this girl around the city"

"Okay I'll just tag along then"

"I don't know Hera I just think that-"

"Have to go, can't be late I'll be back just in time for you to take me".

"Whatever Hera I guess I'll take you" I yelled at her as she left the house"

Hera gave me a thumbs up and flashed a smile at me as she left. Soon enough she was walking to school and I was left alone since mom was at work.

Guess Ana will just have to spend time with my sister and I.

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