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~Elsa's POV~

I felt their eyes on me. Or at least my paranoia made it feel that way. There's a possibility that there's no one behind the mirror watching me. There's a possibility that there's no one there, observing the nervous state that I'm in and taking notes. I'd rather be taking notes too, in class, which is where I should be right now.

I wonder how Jack and the others are doing. My phone, as well as Rapunzel's and Anna's, were buzzing like crazy on the ride here to the station, texts most likely from them, but none of us dared to touch our devices. Tamora had said it was okay to be on them, but that we should watch what we say.

So we, or at least myself, decided not to say anything at all.

My head snaps to the side when I hear the clicking on the door, and widen when it opens and reveals Chief Stoick. I still can't believe how large Hiccup's dad is, while Hiccup is...Hiccup. Thin and scrawny.

Chief Stoick smiles, trying to be friendly and comforting. "Hello, Elsa. How are you doing?"

"Um...I could be better," I answer honestly, a little irritated at his question. Does he truly think I'm doing good? "I'd rather not be here, honestly."

He nods and takes a seat, flipping open a file that I knew had all of my information. "Yeah," he says, "That's understandable. This is a scary situation that you're in. But if you work with me and answer my questions, you'll be out of here as soon as possible. It'll be just like how it was when Tamora and I visited you in the hospital."

I nod, remembering when he and Deputy Calhoun had come, but the tightness in my belly did not go away.

His questions were exactly what I thought they'd be; where was I during this night and that night, who was I with, what was I doing, did I order a hitman...stuff like that.

And for some reason, that question straight up pissed me off.

Time is being wasted asking questions when it could be used finding Hans.

"No," I speak, voice low but hard. "I did not hire a hitman to get rid of Hans. And if I did, I sure as hell would have hired one before he harassed me. Would have hired one the moment he asked my sister to marry him."

The memory of those events flashed in my mind, unsettling my stomach, and for a split second, I worried if I should have said that. That doesn't sound so...innocent-like. That sounds like a good enough motive for me.

Luckily, Chief Stoick took no surprise in my moment of inner violence, the only thing I can think of to call it. "Alright then," He clips his pen to my folder and closes it, getting to his feet, "I believe we're done now. Come. Your sister and cousin are waiting with your aunt and uncle, as well as your phone."

They had taken our phones as soon as we arrived to the station, to inspect our messages and search history, and had also put us in separate rooms for our interrogation. So knowing that I'll be reuniting with them, as well as my phone, which I know must be flooded with new texts, fills me with relief like no other.

My aunt, uncle, sister, and cousin were quick to their feet when they saw the Chief and I approach them, all of them relieved to see me finally. "Elsa!" Anna's quick to hug me, rushing over quicker than a cheetah, Rapunzel coming in a second later, and I welcome them with open arms, hugging them as tight as possible.

I still can't believe no more secrets are between us. I can't believe that I'm bonded to them again, that I can hug them without feeling awkward. I can't believe I'm where I'm at in life, both for the good things and the bad things.

"Thank god you're finally out," praises my sister, "Aunt Arianna doesn't want us going back to school today, so we're going home after this."

"And it'll be nothing but fun," my aunt quickly adds, hugging me from the side and rubbing my arm. Her action tugs at my heart, making a longing for my parents to set in.

Why haven't they called back yet?

"We'll watch movies," she continues, "bake cookies and brownies and eat them with Ice Cream...anything to cheer you three up."

But the only thing that sounded great to me was a long, LONG nap.

One where no nightmare haunts me in the night.

"I'll even get the three of you a free beer," Uncle Frederick jokes, making his daughter and Anna giggle. His eyes then land on Stoick, who I forgot was standing behind us. "Stoick." He says, annoyed.

Hiccup's dad sighs. "I'm well aware that you're upset we had to do this, but I'm just doing my job, Frederick."

"And a mighty fine one at that." His voice dripped with sarcasm, venomous like a snake's bite. "Are we clear to go? I'd like to get my girls home."

The Chief of Police nods. "Yes, but please...be careful."

I didn't know if he meant our surroundings or if he meant our next actions. Whichever he intended, the warning left a bad taste in my mouth.

Because yes, we do need to be aware of the people around us...

But was he trying to say that we also need to be cautious of ourselves?

Because how far are we willing to go?

How far am I willing to go?

People go to great lengths to protect their loved ones and there's no doubt in my mind that if Hans had assaulted Anna instead of me...

I'd have him buried in the ground without a second thought.

And that kind of scares me.

Hans is a monster, but thoughts like that...

Don't they make me a monster too?

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