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A.N: I tried my best to stay away from pronouns, using only they/them. It was a little bit of a struggle since I've never done that before, but I didn't want to reveal anyone just yet (though I'm sure you'll be able to guess who it is after reading this chapter). I hope it's not too hard of a read and I'm sorry if it feels kind of lame.




3RD Person POV


They hiss in pain when their partner in crime tended to their wounds in a rough fashion. "You could be more gentle, you know." They say, annoyed, which only annoys their partner, who was cleaning the wound on their injured partner's cheek.

"Why should I?" The Healer hisses to the Injured and puts more pressure on the wound, making the Injured growl in pain and shoves the Healer off. "You deserve this. You deserve to suffer for your idiocy," the Healer snaps as they get to their feet to tower over the Injured, who sat in a cushioned seat in front of the fireplace.

It reminded the Healer of the fireplace scene from Beauty and the Beast. Only it's far less romantic.

"What were you thinking?" The Healer starts, only to be cut off.

"I told you not to ask questions," the Injured says as they too get to their feet.

But the Healer boldly pushed them back down, fed up with their behavior. "And I'm telling you right now that I don't care anymore. I haven't seen or heard from you since October 30th. It's the second of November now and here you are all scratched and bruised. Where you were these last hours? And don't bother lying to me. I saw yesterday's News."

"And what, dear friend," says the Injured as they stared up at the Healer with a look that could kill, "did the News have to say, hmm?"

The Healer was itching to slap the Injured for their nonchalant attitude. They're acting as though they've done nothing wrong, when in fact they have. Both of their covers could be blown. "That a girl and boy have been hospitalized because someone had attacked the girl. The boy saw it, came to her rescue, and got injured as well. Pretty bad so I heard. Two black eyes, a busted lip, some bruised ribs, and a major broken nose."

The Injured smirks, proud of them-self. "He would have gotten a tooth knocked out too if I had hit him harder. And for the record, it was him that had attacked her. Not me. I was the one who came to her rescue."

The Healer figured as much. They know that their partner would never just save any girl's life unless it was the life of one of her daughters. That wretched woman. Although, she's not as horrible as her best friend/sister-in-law. Now that woman is horrid.

"So it was Elsa, huh?" The Healer voices. "The News is keeping her name a secret until she regains consciousness and gives her statement. Her injuries were minor, so it might be today that she wakes up."

Still annoyed with pretty much everything, the Injured says, "And what makes you think it's her?"

Their question makes the Healer laugh. "Don't be stupid. I know that you're obsessed with her. So very obsessed. It's unhealthy really."

"And why would I be obsessed with her?" Asks the Injured, not liking the conversation, but going along with it anyway to get it over with.

"Like I said," the Healer starts as they kneel back down and continued to clean the Injured's wound, "don't be stupid. You know why you want her. She's the daughter of your first and only love..." they pause and the Injured knew what they were going to say before they even said it. "...who looks just like her mother and who you dream about fucking every night because she reminds you of the one that got away."

This causes the Injured to jump to their feet, the suddenness and force of it startling the Healer and pushing them back onto their rear on the floor. This time it was the Injured who hovered over the Healer, the fire in the fireplace reflecting in the Injured's eyes, showing real fire in them as they glared down at the annoying Healer.

"Don't you ever ," the Injured hisses out, every word dripping with venom, "mention her again! Do you understand?" They were holding a lot of anger back, the Healer knew this, but they wanted all of the Injured's darkness to be released. It excited the Healer, turned them on like a switch every single time the Injured showed their wickedness.

Smiling in fake innocence, the Healer says, "I'm afraid I don't understand. Which one do I not mention? Iduna or Elsa?"

But instead of the Injured getting rough with the Healer like the Healer wanted, the Injured growls and turns around, facing the fire, which the Healer knew that the Injured wanted to throw them in. The Injured says nothing more, the wound on their cheek still stinging from the rubbing alcohol that the Healer had put on it and had yet to finish cleaning, and it was in this moment that the Healer gets to their feet.

"Why didn't you just kidnap her?" They ask, changing the topic in genuine curiosity. "You should have taken her when you had the chance. Or at least gotten rid of the boy. Hell, you should have done both. Did he see your face?"

The Injured shakes their head. "No, I wore a mask. Also, carrying one person would have already been hard enough to do without being seen. How would I have possibly gotten them both out? Besides," they turn to look at their partner in crime, "It's not time yet. I want her to enjoy the rest of her Senior year before I make her mine."

Chuckling, the Healer says: "See? I told you that you're obsessed with her. And just because she looks like her mother doesn't mean you should pursue her. She's not your second chance. She's not Iduna. She's her daughter, you nasty fuck."

The Injured rolls his eyes. "Aren't we all nasty fucks? Don't act as if you're not."

The Healer wickedly grins. "Fair enough. Now sit back down. I'm not done cleaning your wounds."

But the Injured refuses. "No, I got places to be. You've done enough and now you know of my whereabouts."

Annoyed and disappointed, the Healer asked: "Well, where are you going now? Into hiding like you did yesterday after you beat the shit out of that boy?"

"Actually," the Injured says as they head for the door, "I'm going to find that boy."

"And do what?" says the Healer, excitedly. "Kill him for hurting what's yours? You should use my favorite knife."

This gets the Injured to chuckle again. "No my dear, I'm going to recruit him. He most likely went into hiding, knowing that the police will be after him soon since Elsa will most definitely tell the true story. What he doesn't know is that I have people who are watching in the shadows that he won't get away from."

Confused and definitely surprised, the Healer asks: "Wait, why on earth would you want to recruit him?"

They followed the Injured all the way to the door, and it wasn't until the Injured had their hand on the doorknob that they answered.

"He has the potential to be quite a nightmare. Plus, the more the merrier, my dear. The more the merrier. Besides," their lips twisted into a sinister smile, "I'm not done beating the shit out of him yet."

And with that, the Injured walked out the door, leaving the Healer alone in their house, and headed for the flower shop with white roses in mind.




A.N: Oooohhhh so mysterious! Haha I hope you enjoyed! And if you didn't enjoy then I have something else that might upset you...I'm taking a break on this story to focus on my second Jelsa story called "Snow in the Sand". I have yet to post it on Wattpad yet, but it's on AO3 and FF.net. If you haven't read it, please check it out and tell me what you think! I think once I get to chapter 10 on that story that I'll come back to this one. Bye bye for now :D

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