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Sometime during the game, Anna had asked the question I was asking myself all night. How does football work? Hiccup, of course, didn't have the answer, but Jack and Kristoff did. Their explanations still didn't help, but they had their reason. 

"We know more about Hockey than football," Kristoff defended.

"And we're the best ones on the team," Jack boasted. "Well, at least I am. Kristoff's okay." Kristoff shoved Jack at his tease, making the white hair boy nearly fall out of his seat.

"But you have the perfect body for football. I think you'd do perfectly well in the sport, Kristoff." Anna argued, taking me off guard, along with Kristoff. Did she just basically admit to him being hot?

"Um.....thanks?" Kristoff said, unsure of what else to say, and blushed.

"Wow, Anna," Moana teased, "I didn't know you had a thing for Kristoff's body."

Anna's eyes go wide at the realization at what she had said. "Wait what? Th-That's not---I didn't mean---Ugh whatever!" Her face was red from embarrassment, and it took all my might not to giggle at her. I did smile, fairly wide, however.

"Don't worry, Anna," Merida took over, "Hiccup has a thing for Astrid's body too. He thinks she's the hottest girl in the world."

"First of all," Hiccup started, definitely fed up, "She's not a temperature. She's beautiful, not hot. Secondly, will you quit with the teasing? You always do this when Astrid is in her uniform."

"Hey, she wore her uniform during school too. I could have teased you then, but I was being considerate." Merida defended. "I have to get it all out of my system now, especially since Snotlout isn't anywhere near."

"Sorry to jump in," Jack starts, stopping to laugh, "but was that really your response, dude?" He was talking to Hiccup. " 'She's not a temperature'. I'm sorry, and I know you've heard me tell you this before, but you're really, really lame."

I frowned at this. Wow. That was kind of rude. And Rapunzel actually thinks we'd be cute together? What on earth was she thinking?

"I'm well aware," Hiccup replied, unphased by the insult. "I just feel that calling a girl 'hot' is lame and kinda inconsiderate. Girls should be complimented with actual words like 'gorgeous' or 'beautiful' rather than 'hot' or 'smokin'. Sorry, if I'm more of a gentleman than you."

Well said, Hiccup. I completely agree.

"Oh shit," Merida commented. "He sure told you."

"Hiccup 1," Moana starts.

"Jack 0," Rapunzel and Tooth say in unison.

I was afraid that Hiccup had unintentionally ticked Jack off, but Jack laughed and reached over Kristoff to shove Hiccup, gently. "With a smart mouth like that it's no wonder Snotlout keeps picking on you. But seriously, you need help with the opposite sex. When are you going to let me help you out?"

"Maybe," I found myself boldly saying, defending the poor boy, "he should seek help from someone who is in a relationship, or who's a love expert." Not me though. Oh no definitely not. I am not at all an expert to romantical love.

"And what makes you think I'm not in a relationship?" Jack asked, sounding offended. . "Or that I'm not a love expert?" I was unsure if he was being serious or not. I can't always tell with him.

"I didn't mean to offend you if I did," I start, taking the safe route, and hoping this wouldn't take a bad turn. He is my ride home after all. "I'm just saying that...well..." I didn't know how to say my next words without offending him even more.

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