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Despite looking older, he hasn't changed at all. Same freckled skin, same buck teeth, same curly brown hair, same wide and bright eyes, same chubby cheeks. Same Olaf! My oldest and most dearest friend! One who I haven't seen in years and who is currently looking at me in confusion.

"Uh yes?" He says, chuckling nervously. "That's what my name-tag says." But when he looks down at his shirt, which had no name-tag, he gasps and slightly turns to face his working coworkers. "Why didn't anyone tell me my nametag is missing?!"

But he was ignored, which he seemed to have expected since he turns his attention back to Kristoff and I rather quickly. "Please excuse them. They have a bad habit of being inconsiderate. My name is Olaf, but you seem to have already know that. Have we met before? You look very familiar."

I practically bounced where I stood. "That's because we used to be best friends!" I say, my eyes tearing up at the memories of us, at seeing him now, at him not remembering me. "It's me. Anna. Anna Arendelle. Our parents were business partners. We-" but I'm cut off when he gasps again, eyes going wide as they fill with shock.

"Oh my flurry!" He shouts, gaining some attention. "Anna! It's you! I can't believe it's you! I knew that face of yours looked familiar! Come here!" And before I knew what was happening, he's reaching forward, over the counter, and pulling me into an awkward hug that I knew must be hurting him since he has the counter stabbing him.

Nonetheless, I hug him back, and nearly sobbed, filled with happiness, which completely overpowered my earlier sadness. I squeeze him tightly as he sways us back and forth and say, "It's so good to see you again, Olaf! How have you been?"

He pulls away from her, his grin reaching to his ears, and says, "How have I been? Oh I'm about to tell you." He turns his head and yells: "Samantha! I'm going on break!"

Which resulted in his coworkers looking at each other then back at him. "We don't even know a Samantha, Olaf." One of them said, which makes me bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

Olaf hums in response, not convinced. "Hmm I smell lies. Anyway, I'm going on break and you can't stop me."

His coworkers roll their eyes. "Wouldn't dream of it, Olaf." Said one and they go back to their tasks.

Olaf says nothing else as he walks around the counter and immediately links his arm through mine. "So," he starts, leading us away towards the tables, "where shall I begin?"

Someone clears their throat suddenly, gaining both of our attention, and that's when I remembered Kristoff. "Oh!" I say, instantly feeling bad for forgetting him. "Olaf, before we catch up," I link my other arm around Kristoff's to make him feel included, "I'd like you to my friend Kristoff. Kristoff this is my very first friend Olaf. He and I go waayyy back."

Kristoff nods in greeting. "Hey." He says, making me almost snort at the lameness of it. He always was a boy of few words though. Actually, I take that back. He talks more than people give him credit for. Mainly around me because he just loovveess to "argue" with me. Our bickering is fun now, but damn did he ever piss me off in the beginning.

Olaf smiles. "Hey there! It's nice to meet you."

Kristoff smiles back but I could tell it was forced and it was definitely awkward too. "Uh...likewise." I hope he doesn't feel like a third wheel.

Olaf picks the closest table to sit at and as soon as our butts were in the chairs, he starts talking away. He picked up right after the last time we saw each other which was during my aunt and uncle's Christmas Eve party about six years ago, but...I don't remember much of it.

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