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I knocked on the bathroom door, anxiously looking back and forth each side of the hallway, making sure no one was coming up. Thank goodness there's not a line of men waiting. Maui's excuse to talk to me alone was for him to go to the bathroom and text me that he needed help putting some leave-in conditioner in his hair. Everyone thought it was hella weird. Not the conditioner part, which apparently is normal for Maui's character, but the fact that he's asking me to help him.

"Maui knows how to apply it," Moana had said. "He already put some in before we came here."

"Maybe he got distracted looking at his face and put too much in," I had tried to save-face. "He knows I like to take care of my hair too, so he's probably going to give me the residue."

This had grossed the girls out. "If he already had it in his hair and you put it in yours, that's gotta be unsanitary," said Moana.

I had shrugged and turned to make my way. "One must make sacrifices sometimes. Even gross ones." I had then sent Rapunzel a wink. "Don't miss me too much, Blondie. I will be back momentarily."

And now here I am, a few minutes later, being dragged into the bathroom by another man. Wonderful.

Maui locked the door behind him, while I sat down on the toilet. Pants still on, obviously.

"Alright, I'm here," I gesture to the room, "in what you call an appropriate talking area. So spill the tea, sis."

Maui rolls his eyes. "Have you made your decision to leave? Last time we talked about this was on Halloween. I told you and Eret I'd give you a week to decide. You both declined. He never gave me a reason, but yours was because you needed more time to think about it. It's been nearly two months. I need to know your final answer so I can help you escape or to leave you to your doom."

"Damn, Maui," I rubbed my neck, overwhelmed. "Why the dramatics?"

"Takes one to know one." He remarks.

"Touché," I fire back. "Look, trust me, I really want to, especially now that Rapunzel knows—"

"Rapunzel knows?!" Maui practically screeches. "What do you mean she knows? Knows what? "

I sigh, disappointed in myself for letting that slip. "She knows everything. That I'm a thief and—" I cut myself off before I let slip another very important detail. One that only she knows.

Should I tell Maui? The fewer people who know, the better. But maybe he can help? He successfully faked his death. He knows how dangerous it is working under a mysterious boss and abusive bosslords. He has a few more years' experience than I do. Hell, he was my mentor for a while. One of the nicer ones. No, I probably really shouldn't say anything. Not everyone is able to successfully fake their death and stay off the radar. I shouldn't reel him back in. The less he knows about my participation in Han's kidnapping, the better.

And yet... he's the one that's trying to get me and Eret out. He's willingly making himself involved somehow. Maybe I should...Ugh! I don't know what to do.

"And all that jazz," I finished, hoping he didn't read through me.

No. I've already risked Rapunzel by telling her about Hans. It sucks that I have more restraint with Maui. I wish I had that with her. I would rather he know about me helping with Han's kidnapping than her. But I can't change my past actions. I won't risk anyone else knowing. Both for his safety and mine.

Maui's eyes are wide as saucers. "She fucking knows you're a criminal?! Are you serious? And she hasn't said anything to anyone?"

"Not that I'm aware of," I answer, honestly. "If she did, they're keeping it a secret too."

Snowflakes Fall and So Did IWhere stories live. Discover now