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Anna's POV

Too much chocolate. I ate way too much chocolate last night before Merida brought me home to an empty house. I couldn't help myself from stuffing my stomach with my only source of true comfort. Some people got annoyed with me for taking nearly all the chocolate squares and for hogging the chocolate fountain, but I didn't care. I wish I did though because right now I feel really freaking sick even though it's been hours since I've consumed the chocolatey greatness. I also feel nervous and guilty. That's probably what's making my stomach ache even more.

I can't help it though. Not only am I unaware of the outcome of mine and my sister's relationship and have yet to see her today, but I also have yet to tell my aunt and uncle about the fight I had with her and about Hans. I'm nervous about meeting him again too. What if he doesn't want to marry me anymore? I'm sure he does, I mean, he did propose to me after all. He's my fiancé. God, I love the word, but husband sounds even better.

Aunt Arianna and Uncle Frederick are actually with me right now in the living room, enjoying their afternoon tea, which I had invited myself to, and they're talking to each other about their beer business. And while they do that, I'm pretending to pay attention while I drink my tea when really I'm struggling on finding a way to tell them of my engagement. I don't want to just blurt it out, but at the same time I feel that that might be the easiest and best way. However, after Elsa's reaction I'm really scared on how Ari and Freddie are going to take it. I didn't think Elsa would react the way she did, so who knows how they'll take the news. They're laid back, much more so than my parents, but Elsa may be right. There's no way they'd agree to it no matter how laid back they are.

I suppose I don't have to tell them right now. After all, weddings take a while to plan, so I still have time. Hans and I still have a lot to discuss and I also need a ring to make it official. And his number. Ugh I wish Rapunzel would wake up already. I really need to talk to her. Also I need details about her hospital trip. They must have came home really late last night to still be sleeping. I came home late last night too and when I did no one was here. When exactly did they come back? I guess it doesn't matter now. I just wish Rapunzel had already been here. I had never felt more lonely in my entire life.

"Hey guys," Rapunzel's voice says, snapping me from my jumbled thoughts. I look up at my cousin and nearly sighed in relief at the sight of her. I did smile widely though. Well, speak of the devil. She's finally awake! I still have to wait until it's just the two of us to talk about Hans and Elsa, but at least she's finally awake.

"Good afternoon, sweetheart," Uncle Frederick says to his daughter. "I trust you slept well."

Rapunzel quickly kissed his cheek when she walked passed him and sat in the love seat beside me. "I did," she said as she sat down, "And I trust that you and mom had a wonderful date night? You two were still gone when we came home from the party last night. We won the football game by the way."

Aunt Arianna nods and smiles happily at her daughter. "We heard. You must congratulate your friends on the team for me. Did you have fun at the after party? I know Anna did." My aunt smiles over at me and I smile back.

It's true. I didn't tell them about Hans or Elsa, but I did tell them about the joy I had felt beforehand. I really did have a good time until Elsa went loco. I thought, since my aunt had asked how it was, that I could still express the excitement I did feel.

"Oh I had a blast," my cousin replies with a nod, "Eret's parties are always...head-banging. So what are you guys talking about?"

"Just the usual business talk," her father answers. "Oh how I love talking about beer all day."

Rapunzel giggles at his sarcasm and I smirk. "And in a few years I'll be able to help you out."

Uncle Frederick shakes his head. "No, in a few years you'll be in college finding the career of your choosing. I don't want you to take over the business simply because it's a family business and you're the heir. I want you to enjoy your life doing something you love. I don't want you feeling obligated to take over like..." He cuts himself off suddenly, and his eyes land on me. I knew he wasn't talking about me though. He's talking about my sister and doesn't want to offend me somehow.

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