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Despite only sleeping for a few hours, I was more awake than I've ever been before. Not only did I have the time of my life with Jack last night, but tonight is also the revival of my aunt and uncle's Christmas Eve party. My thoughts are happy, my heart is happy, my soul is happy. I am happy. It's the greatest feeling in the world. It was so hard for me to sleep when Jack brought me back home because of it. My mind was too excited about today and was still gushing over mine and Jack's pond date.

"Snowflakes fall and so did I."

What a poetic little sap he is. That has got to be the most romantic thing he has ever said to me. I was too stunned to speak, so I had kissed him instead. Showing him my response rather than telling him. He seemed to enjoy that very much. But my goodness, was it ever so hard to find sleep. All I did was repeat everything that had happened and would occasionally think about the party. And as my family and I rallied up the finishing touches for the party, I still continued to think about last night's romantic adventure.

"I can't take it anymore!"

I lifted my head up to see what caused my sister to freak, but was confused when she was looking at me. "Uh...you okay, sis?" We were in the middle of putting together goodie bags for the children–her, Rapunzel, and I–and surprisingly it is not an easy job.

"No," Anna whispers, keeping her voice low so no maid, butler, or Rapunzel's parents hear. "I want to know what happened last night. You had Rapunzel and I keep watch for you while you snuck out to be with Jack, and you have yet to give us details. We're gonna be busy tonight and I can't keep waiting. Tell me now, woman!"

"Oh thank god," says Punzie, relieved. "I've been wanting to ask, but didn't want to pry. Plus, I knew Anna would get to it first, but then when she didn't, I was starting to think I had dreamt it all. How did it go? What did you guys do?" She wiggles her eyebrows and her tone was suggestive. It didn't help that she added a wink, making me blush.

"Rapunzel," I hissed, embarrassed, "whatever you're thinking we did, I can assure you we didn't do. We haven't made it that far like you and Flynn." I knew they hadn't done it yet because she obviously would have told Anna and I, but I couldn't help but jab back at her.

Rapunzel blushes red this time and goes back to stuffing her goodie bag. "Ha. Ha. How dare you embarrass me when I'm trying to embarrass you. For shame."

And poor Anna. She thought we were serious. "Wait, Rapunzel, oh my god, did you and Flynn have–"

"NO!" Rapunzel cries out. "Definitely not. I'm not ready for that."

"Neither am I." I say.

But I won't lie. The thought has crossed my mind occasionally.

"And if you're really that scared to say anything in case someone hears," Anna pulls out her phone, "Just text it to us."

I shake my head "Too much to type." I mean, granted, I've written long paragraphs before, but last night...ah! I'm not sure if I can even put it into words, typed or spoken.

"Pleeeaaassseee," Anna begs, tilting her head back. "I'm begging you! I must knoooowwwww!"

And of course, I give in. She can be pretty persuasive. That, or I am just easy when it comes to her. "Okay, fine. But we're taking everything to my room."

Anna and Rapunzel both squeal in excitement and help me gather up everything. We tried our best to sneak away to my room with all the stuff, but we were, to no surprise, caught by my aunt. I was expecting this since she, my uncle (as well as ourselves) and the staff have been running around everywhere with decorations. I was just hoping that luck would be on our side and we'd have an easy get away.

Snowflakes Fall and So Did IWhere stories live. Discover now