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Their hands held onto each other in a tight embrace while their elbows on the same arm rested against the table they sat at. Their other arm was held behind their back and with the help of two of their siblings, they made sure to keep it in place to give their older sibling the extra struggle. The third siblings sat on top of their shoulders. For Merida, it was one of her triplet brothers; for Jack it was his youngest sister, Sophie. It was quite an adorable sight to see, and funny too once I realized Jack was losing the arm wrestling fight with Merida.

His face was scrunched up in pain and determination; it was obvious he was fighting hard to find strength. Merida, on the other hand, didn't look like she was even trying. She smirked evilly at Jack, sweat not coating her face while it soaked his. Merida's three brothers all wore her same evil smile, but Jack's twin siblings, Jamie and Emma, wore a face of horror as their brother's hand slowly went down. Sophie, however, was all smiles and clapped at Merida's victory.

Jack looked up at his youngest sister and said something to her that was deaf to me. I could only assume that it was something along the lines of "Why are you clapping? I lost! Whose side are you on?". I had to hold in a laugh at the thought.

I had watched the entire scene from a distance just like the rest of the group, and felt my smile grow bigger and bigger the closer we got to them and the clearer they became. It was easy to find them. A pair of teens with extraordinary red and silver-white hair isn't hard to find at all, especially since both of their hair is never tamed. Always wild. Just like their personalities.

It's clear that Merida's triplet brothers are just as wild. Perhaps even more so than Merida herself, but Jack's siblings appear to be on the calmer side. All six of the siblings are so cute too. I've seen them in pictures that Jack and Merida would show me, moreso Jack than Merida, and they are way more adorable in real life than on screen. Despite this, I still felt very nervous. I've been told that Merida's brothers are very unpredictable. They only predictable thing they ever do is cause trouble; nobody knows just what kind of trouble though. And Jack's siblings...well it feels like I'm about to meet his mother, who I thank God isn't here. I would love to meet her one day, but...I'm just so nervous. The thought alone has my nerves upset. Meeting her other children already has my anxiety high, especially since I know they'll probably tell their mother about me. Or am I just being too self-absorbed and paranoid?

I most likely am...

Sophie was the first to notice us and when she sees Bunny she started to jump on Jack's shoulders and giggle. "Bunny!" She exclaims. "Hop, hop, hop!"

That got the others attention and when Jack sees me his smile is wide. At least...I think it was me he saw. He could have been looking at Tooth or Rapunzel. Hell, it could have been Maui he was smiling at. I don't blame him.

Bunny's whole tough guy demeanor changed upon hearing Sophie, and when his lips curl into a wide smiled that had Jack's beat, it was a sight I never thought I would see. "Hey, Sophie," he says as he easily picks her up from Jack's shoulders, "did you miss me?"

Sophie nods as she giggles and hugs his neck. "Bunny! Miss you lots!"

"Oh my god," says my sister, "she's so cute!" I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wanted to hold her.

When Sophie saw her she smiles and points to my sister's braided pigtails. "Pretty!"

Anna's squeals at this. "Thank you! Your hair is pretty too."

Actually, it was a tangled mess, much like Anna's when she wakes up in the morning, but it was still cute nonetheless. Sophie then points at Rapunzel's and Astrid's braided hair. "Pretty! Pretty! I want braid. Braid, braid, braid!"

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