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Anna's POV

The Mario Kart race between Astrid and Merida ended with a tie, which threw them into a tiebreaker race with GoGo, who easily defeated them, thus resulting in the tie to remain. I don't think I blinked or breathed at all once I first started watching them with Rapunzel, who had unfortunately missed the last moments, which were definitely the most intense.

I know she went to the bathroom, but she's been gone for a long while. Either a) there's a line, b) she got lost (although I seriously doubt that. She's been here before, so she must know where the bathrooms are), c) she's talking to someone, or d) she's being murdered or raped.

The last option made me sick, so I pushed every thought of it away and tried to remain optimistic. Whatever is taking her so long, it's most definitely one of the other options. She probably has diarrhea. There probably is a line because of her, if that's the case.

I giggled at the thought, which gained the attention of Astrid and Merida, who were sitting next to me and watching the new duo of players play the game.

"What's so funny, lass?" Asked Merida.

"I was just thinking about my cousin," I answered, deliberately not mentioning the diarrhea part in case I grossed them out and made things awkward. "She watched the beginning or your races, but she left to go to the bathroom and missed the last few minutes."

"Damn," says Astrid, "Those were the most intense minutes."

"I know, right?" I say, giggling before I stood up. "I'm gonna go look for her. She might've fallen in the toilet." I giggled again. "I'll be back. Save my seat, please."

Merida turns her body so her legs took up the empty space that I was sitting in. She leaned against Astrid and saluted to me. "I gotcha, lass."

I sent her a big smile. "Thank you." After that, I left to venture downstairs.

The party really is like everything I've imagined. There's dancing, drinking, and a lot of kissing. I've only been eating and watching my friends compete with each other on the Wii, so I have yet to dance, but I'm going to make sure that it happens. It has to! The illegal drinking and kissing won't happen, which is unfortunate, so I have to dance to my heart's content. I'm going to dance so hard that everyone at school will be able to feel how sore I am.

Actually, now that I think about it, Elsa never said anything about kissing. If she did then I definitely zoned that part out. All I need to do is find someone and work my quirky charm on them. Maybe I'll get a kiss tonight after all. Maybe I'll meet the one.

I was so lost in the thought of meeting my true love that I didn't realize I was sprinting down the stairs, nor did I see the person in front of me. I bumped into the person's back...hard. So hard, in fact, that I ended up falling equally hard on my butt on a random step. "Hey!" I exclaimed, annoyed with the person for standing at the end of of the staircase, blocking it and getting in my way.

Although, I know it wasn't their fault. It's mine. I'm just embarrassed and am blaming them because of it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," the person said when they turned around, eyes full of concern as he stared down at me. Others were staring too, but I paid them no attention. How could I with him standing right there? "Are you hurt?" He asked and it was like he put me in a trance.

"Hey." I muttered under my breathe in definite attraction.

My throat is dry and tight, my heart either stopped beating or went into a beating overdrive frenzy, my jaw open, and my eyes are wide. Because Oh. My. GOD!

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