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*Two Days Later: December 23*

"Are we sure that's everything for tomorrow?" I ask my aunt, my eyes glued to the list of party things on the clipboard I was holding. "I want tomorrow to be perfect. Exactly how your parties used to be and–"

My aunt puts a hand on my shoulder and says, "Elsa, relax. Everything is going to be just fine."

Her calmness made me relax a little, but the worry was still there. "How are you not nervous? It's been six years since you've last hosted a Christmas Eve party. You're not scared at all?"

Aunt Arianna smiles. "A little nervous, yes, but not scared. It's going to be fun, so I'm excited. I try not to let my nerves get in the way of having a good time."

And of course, she was right. I need to not stress so much on it. "Okay, you're right. Thank you, by the way," I say for the millionth time, "For doing this. It was my idea that you could have easily said no to. So...thank you." I smile wide, showing my appreciation.

"Of course," Aunt Arianna then leans forward to whisper, "I've been wanting to do this for so long, but we weren't sure when to try again. Your uncle and I never knew if it was too soon. Plus, with how my brother is, I knew he didn't want to come back for a while. I refused to host one without you and your sister."

"That's good," I say, giggling at the thought of Anna being so offended at not being able to go because of dad. She would probably give him the silent treatment. "Anna would have thrown the biggest fit. She hates missing out."

"Speaking of which, have you seen her?" She turns her head left and right, trying to find my sister in the party room. "For someone who hates missing out and loves parties, I sure haven't seen her helping out much."

I chuckle. "That's probably because she's too occupied with Kristoff and his pet reindeer."

My aunt giggles and excitedly asks: "So are they dating then?"

I shake my head, remembering the conversation Anna and I had the night we came home from my birthday surprise at the ice rink. I had asked her what all had gone down during her date with Kristoff. She insisted it wasn't a date. They talked about school, their plans for the future, their past (which made me uncomfortable since I know her past was a lonely one), and lastly said she met a relative of his.

She said they were just friends.

We'll see how long that lasts.

"No, they're just friends."

My aunt frowns, unpleased. She sighs as she starts to head out of the room, with me following right beside her. "That's a shame. After Hans, I can understand why she'd be more careful, but I was really hoping all three of you would have boyfriends to dance with at the Christmas Eve ball. I don't want Anna to be saddened that you and Rapunzel have your loves and she doesn't."

"Well," I shrug, hoping my next set of words will ease her silly worry. "They've gotten pretty close, so I'm sure they'll still dance together as friends. Maybe. Kristoff is a bit hardheaded. I can't imagine him dancing in a crowd of strangers."

"Well, he did sing in front of some strangers at the Snuggly Duckling."

"Oh yeah. Huh, I guess maybe he will. We'll just have to wait and see then. I'm sure Anna will convince him."

Aunt Arianna laughs. "I agree. She's hardheaded too, after all." Her smile falls and she sighs again. "I just don't want Hans to ruin her image of love is all."

I link my arm through hers and smile reassuringly. "I've told her this before too, so don't worry. She's aware that we're afraid she'll turn love down. Everything with Hans was a learning experience. She's smarter now though. It sucks that it had to happen the way it did, but...well at least she's not naive anymore. I'm surprised she's still not crazy."

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