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Elsa's POV

"Come on, Snowflake! Why won't you tell me? You know I'm good at keeping secrets. You literally swore me to secrecy last week."

"Ugh don't remind me. And for the billionth time, Jackson, I seriously don't know what I'm going to be. Edna and Gabriel should be here soon with the costumes. I'll facetime you or send you a picture of it when they get here."

"Fine, but I want to see you in it, not just the costume by itself. Wait a second, you're able to facetime now? Since when?"

"Since always. What rich girl doesn't have facetime?"

"But earlier this month you said you couldn't--"

"Oh, haha. That was because, at the time, I didn't want to."

"Wow, rude."

I giggle as I caress the face of my stuffed penguin, something I've constantly been doing when I'm alone in my room. I consider it to be my most valuable possession. It'd be the first thing I'd take with me if there was ever to be a fire, and it'd be the first thing I'd make sure robbers never take. They could take all of our money and jewels and other expensive treasures, and I wouldn't care. But if they take my penguin (which of course they wouldn't unless they thought I had jewels hidden in it) then Hell would freeze at the unleashing of my wrath.

I know it's silly, but...I would die for Sir Jorgenbjorgen.

Okay, so I wouldn't go that far, but I would definitely be upset if something were to happen to him, whether it be him getting ripped up, lost, or stolen. He means a lot to me because it was Jack who gave him to me. I don't think I'd feel as strongly as I do for the toy if I had gotten him from anyone else, not even from my sister or cousin.

Speaking of Anna and Rapunzel, they're currently still asleep. I had woken up early, an hour ago at the strike of nine, because I wanted to get a lot done today, such as homework that's due next week that I haven't started on yet because I've been busy with the Fair. That's all my friends and I have been doing these last six days, arriving from the time they open and leaving when they close. It's exhausting, but totally worth it, especially since we've ridden every ride and tried every food and drink there. We even attended some of the concerts. The ringing in my ears after the first one left me quite concerned.

But not as concerned as I was, and still am, at seeing Hans making out with a girl who isn't his girlfriend. Or maybe she is. One of them. Anna is another girlfriend of his, his only one as far as we were all aware of, and I'm certain there's more.

He and Lara were nowhere to be seen by the time our ride on the Ferris Wheel ended. I had tried my best to keep my eyes on them, to not to lose them amongst the crowd, but I was powerless due to the spinning of the ride. On one hand, I'm glad they were gone because I honestly don't know what I would have done if they were still around by the time my feet were back on the ground. On the other hand, I wish they had stayed within the area so Anna could see the piece of shit that her boyfriend is.

I had wanted her to break up with him right then and there amongst the crowd, to make a scene, to embarrass the hell out of Hans, but thought against it since I knew it would embarrass her too. Plus, this is between the two of them; it's no one else's business. Except for me, of course. I'm her sister after all. And yet...I couldn't find the courage to tell her. A week later and she still doesn't know. No one knows except for Jack and I.

As I said, this is between the two of them. I don't want to meddle, to start another fight with my sister over Hans again, because with no proof she's not going to believe me, she'll remain loyal, but...it's my job as her sister to tell her, right? Not telling her would be wrong, whether I'm her sister or not. I would want someone to tell me if my lover was cheating, but Anna...she isn't me. She's so desperate for love that I'm afraid she wouldn't care. I'm afraid she'd stick around anyway. Most importantly though, I'm afraid that her finding out she's been cheated on will send her into a depression. A depression that she would never have gone into if I had just kept my mouth shut and minded my own business.

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