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*December 16th*

Not much has changed since Thanksgiving a couple weeks ago. We got a new math teacher because Mr. Black is currently out of state tending to a sick relative (at least that's what North says), but everyone has been creating their own sort of conspiracy theories.

"He's creepy as hell. He's probably a serial killer and is going on a hunting spree."

"Maybe he's gone somewhere sunnier so he can tan. His skin is kind of gray looking. Too pale."

"Maybe he's gone to some sort of dental specialist. I mean, have you seen his teeth? They're like razor sharp."

"Or maybe he really is taking care of a sick relative? It's not that deep, you guys."

"He's been sick for weeks though. That's why he hasn't been to school, and suddenly he's all better to take care of someone else? Why would he risk getting sick again?"

And you know, that's a good point, but at the same time, family should take care of family. However, while it is very noble of him to sacrifice not getting paid, it's not very noble of me to be glad that he's gone. I don't dwell on it though. He's always freaked me out. Ever since day one. Him and Mrs. Gothel.

And I swear Mrs. Gothel has it out for Rapunzel. Apparently, she's failing her class, but hasn't told her parents about it. This has never happened to her before, she's not sure how to approach the situation. My aunt and uncle never attend Parent/Teacher conferences either because there was never a need to. They know we're good kids and strive to keep our grades passing. And while most teachers would contact the parents themselves, Mrs. Gothel has not. Which, according to Rapunzel, is the only good thing that Mrs. Gothel has done—or rather— hasn't done.

" I don't mean to be mean," she had said one afternoon. " But I really wish she would leave too."

All the teachers at Burgess High were new to me, but Mr. Black and Mrs. Gothel were new to the school, just as Anna and I were, and I find it kind of funny how everyone hates them. I'm thankful no one feels that way about me. Well, except Chloe and Lila and the other girls in their group, but they're underclassmen so they don't really count. And even if they were in my grade, their opinions of me don't matter.

It's taken me a long time to come to terms with that knowledge.

And as of what's currently happening right now, well...I'm getting ready to perform.

I guess the only major thing that has been going on these past few weeks were rehearsals. It took a lot of convincing for me to participate in Mrs. Robinson's holiday musical. All semester instead of singing or playing an instrument in her class, I had been doing substitute work with other students who would prefer not to show off their musical talents, if there even were any. For a handful of students, there were no other classes to put them in except music, so they really didn't have anything to offer.

But Anna just had to make a scene in class.

" Come oonnnn, Elsa! Next semester you'll have a different elective and won't have this chance. Don't you want to show off how beautifully you can sing? They'll be blown away! You've got to sign up!"

And of course, it sparked so much curiosity amongst my classmates, who had also pressured me into participating, and of course...I gave in to the pressure, not wanting to disappoint.

Anna had apologized afterwards when she had realized my discomfort, but after giving it some thought, I knew she was right. I'm not one to show off, but this will be my only chance to shine like how the others do in class. Just this once.

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