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~Monday: Elsa's POV~

The weekend seemed to drag on for forever. I had stayed in my room for the majority of the time, ignoring both Anna and Rapunzel. I would only speak to my aunt or uncle when they would check on me. The first time they did, I lied and said I had a stomach sickness and didn't want anyone to catch it. And since it was never brought up, I could only assume that they were left unaware of Friday Night's events. Which means they don't have any idea about Anna's not really engagement to Hans or about Rapunzel and I going to the hospital. Which also confuses me because surely Rapunzel would have told Anna about what happened to Flynn, right? They always know the others' business. And if Anna knows then she definitely wouldn't remain silent about it. She must have been really, really upset to not have been in the mood to say anything about it.

Anyway, Arianna and Frederick weren't home when Rapunzel and I were dropped off late last Friday, but Anna was already there in her room fast asleep and sprawled out on her bed. Drool was sliding down the corner of her mouth and loud snores were also escaping. I had smiled sadly at the sight because...she looked so at peace when she slept and just hours before that peace wasn't there on her face. I had felt more relief than sadness though at seeing her safely at home. Rapunzel had informed me that Merida had dropped her off. I plan on thanking her later on today when I see her at lunch, which I'm honestly kind of dreading.

The tension between my sister and I is strong and heavy. More so than it has ever been before. From the few times I've ran into her during the weekend, I felt it. It easily and quickly weighed me down as soon as my eyes would land on her. Aunt Arianna was quick to notice it too.

"Did something happen between you two?" She had asked on Sunday when Anna and I made eye contact in the dining room, which caused her to quickly leave. My food was brought to my room and I ate in there; I had only went to the dining room to return my plate to the kitchen.

"We just had a little misunderstanding. It's fine though." I had told my aunt, wanting nothing more than to just tell her everything that had happened during the party. Which includes Jack and I, who has texted me quite a lot over the past two days. He kept me company while I trapped myself in my room. I didn't tell him to, he just...did it willingly. He texted me because he wanted to and I'm honestly really glad he did. It was a great distraction for me and he cheered me up a lot. He really does know how to make people laugh.

But despite my desire to tell my aunt, I didn't. If I had told her about Anna being "engaged" then I'd probably make the whole situation worse. She'd get in trouble and never trust me again. I can fix this if I just talk to her, but I'm scared to. Hell, I don't even know how to confront her about it, and even if I did, she'd just ignore me. That's what she's been doing when I'd run into her. She's avoiding me too. This is definitely my karma.

I had thought Rapunzel would try harder to convince me to talk to her too, but she hasn't. She hasn't talked to me at all this past weekend. I'm unsure if it's because she's finally given up or because she's respecting my wish to give me some space and time to myself. I've noticed that things between her and Anna are a bit off too. Whenever I would see one, I wouldn't see the other, which is odd because they're always together. And of course I can't help but think that it's my fault something has changed between them. I might have been just a little jealous of Rapunzel for taking my role as Anna's sister figure, but I was always glad that she was there for my sister when I never was. I would never ever want anything to come between the bond they have. Not even myself.

As of right now, the three of us are walking into the cafeteria, in silence, which is a first. I had thought that they would both act normal, as though nothing had happened, but they're not and I honestly wasn't expecting it. Their silence made me even more silent. It made me a little nervous to be honest. I kept getting the feeling that one of them was just going to suddenly burst out either yelling or crying. I was even more afraid that it would be me.

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