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The weekend was a blur. Nothing much went on. I didn't get much sleep because of my nerves and because of the memory of the accident that would play in my mind as a dream. A nightmare actually. It's like the memory would wait until my nerves were settled before it would play, getting my nerves all riled up again as I would jump awake with silent tears.

Rapunzel had also kept her promise too and told me everything that had happened when she first met Jack four years ago. She said that she knew immediately that Jack was the boy, and said that he mentioned to her that she looked familiar but that he could never pinpoint it. That was when she told him he probably saw her on TV for a Corona Beer commercial since her father is the owner of the company. This is a lie though; Rapunzel's father doesn't want her to have anything to do with the business until she's 21, but Jack apparently had believed her. Months later, in December, Jack confessed to hating Christmas because of his dad dying on Christmas Eve. Rapunzel had asked what happened and he gave her a very brief summary.

"He died of hypothermia and frostbite after saving a girl from drowning in a frozen pond. There were three other kids too, but out of the four that were there altogether, I can only clearly remember one." Rapunzel said in her message that this is what Jack had said to her.

"Was it the girl your dad saved?" Rapunzel had asked.

She told me that Jack said no. "No. The only one who I can remember clear as day is the girl's friend or sister. She was standing on the unbroken ice, looking more frozen than the ice itself. I had to drag her back to land."

"So you only remember her? Not the others?" Was what Rapunzel had asked.

"Just her. The other kids, even the one my dad saved, are kind of a blur. I don't know why I can only remember the one I helped. I just...do." Was what he had told her.

"Do you think if you were ever to run into the girl again, the girl you helped get to land, that you'd know she's the girl from your past?" Rapunzel had asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. Hopefully. Probably not though. I only remember her as a kid. She probably looks totally different now."

"What did she look like then?"

"Pale skin, platinum hair, and a pair of blue eyes that give mine a run for their money."

"Let's say she hasn't changed at all, she's just older now...do you think you'd remember?"

"I think so. Ugh, I really don't know, Zel. Can we talk about something else now?"

And of course, after Rapunzel told me this, I completely malfunctioned. He must know that the girl who he remembers is me. Despite looking a bit confused when he saw me, he must have known who I was as soon as our eyes connected. And if he didn't realize then, surely he must have realized later? What will he do? Hopefully nothing. It's killing me though not knowing if he knows me or not.

And now as our butler pulls up into the school, I wish I was actually dead. I know that's a horrible thing to say, but I can't help it. I've never been so nervous before. Ever since I woke up I had butterflies in my stomach, and when we got out of the car (thank god it's not a limo), I felt those butterflies turn into a raging storm. I fought back every urge to throw up. There's no way I'm going to embarrass myself on the first day of school.

Anna sighed in satisfaction. "For the first time in forever-"

"Your lives can begin!" Rapunzel interrupted with an excited jump.

"Yeah," I say in a shaky voice, "It's agony to wait." I looked down at my outfit one more time, praying to god that people wouldn't think I was too under or over dressed. It took me forever to choose an outfit, but I eventually settled for a pair of light blue skinny jeans, a white blouse, and a matching light blue jean-jacket. I wore black flats and my hair was styled into an elaborate bun. I wore makeup too, but if I keep nervously sweating it's going to be ruined by the time I walk into the building.

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