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~Time Skip~

Fall Break is exactly nine days, and in precisely seven days, is Halloween. The Fair is going to be here during all of Fall Break, and it's what I will be doing for the entire time with my friends. Oh how I love that word. I've grown closer to everyone during this month. However, while I've grown closer, my sister has seemed to grow more distant. At least that's what I've noticed during lunch. She stopped sitting with us after her date with Hans, which according to her, was amazing.

I helped her pick out an outfit like I said I would, along with Rapunzel and Aunt Arianna's help, and we even styled her hair and did her makeup. Aunt Arianna was ecstatic the entire time, when Anna told her about Hans I've never seen her so excited, Rapunzel was pretty giddy too when we were helping my sister prepare. I wasn't. I only pretended to be for my sister's sake. However, when Hans showed up, my fake smile disappeared into a real frown, mimicking my uncle's as he and I glared at him the entire time he was in our home.

Hans wasn't even in the house for a minute nor did he and my uncle exchange words for my uncle to declare he doesn't like him. "I don't like him," Uncle Frederick had whispered to me while Aunt Arianna happily talked to the boy while we waited for Anna to appear.

According to my cousin, who was with my sister, Anna was getting sudden last minute nerves. She had us waiting for a while, but when they finally left, Rapunzel had said that Anna didn't want to fart around Hans, so she couldn't leave the room until she passed some gas. When she told me that, I nearly died of laughter. I laughed so hard, I teared up. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. However, it was the second time I cried.

I had teared up just a few moments before when I saw my sister walk down the grand staircase to us, looking gorgeous as ever, practically glowing, looking...all grown up. Uncle Frederick was tearing up too. It was very bittersweet. We didn't like that she was going on a date, but at the same time her happiness radiated off of her and consumed us. Deep down we were happy too. For her.

Later that night, Rapunzel and I binge-watched a plethora of rom-coms in the theater room, which ended up with Rapunzel confessing to me of her romantic loneliness and jealousy towards my sister.

"I mean, I find it just a little bit unfair," she had said as she tugged on a strand of her unbraided hair, full of guilt, "I've been going to Burgess High for four years, and I've never had a boyfriend, and she's only been there for a couple of months and here she is going on a date. What am I doing wrong?"

"You're doing nothing wrong," I had tried to assure her, but she wasn't convinced.

"More like I'm doing nothing at all," she had replied, sighing.

"Well," I had said, being completely honest, "if that's how you feel, then do something about it. Don't just sit back and complain. Confess to Flynn about your feelings, or at least ask him out. Make the first move. It doesn't always have to be the guy."

Rapunzel's face had went deeply red. "W-Who said anything about Flynn?"

I had given her the most 'are you stupid' look and said, "I was there in Eret's room with you when you were making heart eyes at Flynn's unconscious body."

My cousin had giggled in response. "Oh yeah." She had then frowned. "Well, as much as I would like to make the first move, I really want it to be him. Also, what would be the point in dating him when we're most likely going to go our separate ways after graduation? It's only 7 months away."

"If you both really want the relationship to work," I had said, "then you won't go your separate ways. Plus, if you do, at least you'll have 7 months worth of memories. Isn't that better than nothing? Better than always wondering what could have been?"

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