PART II: Be My Snowflake and Fall

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Author's Note:

Instead of making another book, I've decided to continue with this one and just create a second half of the story. Or you could see it as one of those 2-in-1 books. Enjoy!




The words "I love you" are three words that can change someone's entire life. It never occurred to me that there can be other three word sentences that can have the same effect. Unfortunately, for this situation, the effect is negative. Devastating.

Because what do you mean he's asking who I am? Surely he knows me. I'm his girlfriend. Is this a trick?

"Jack," I start, trying not to freak out, "It's me. Elsa. You know who I am. I'm your girlfriend. Please stop—" my voice cracks unintentionally, the emotion starting to rise, and I hoped he would cut the act upon seeing how stricken I am. "Stop playing such a cruel trick."

"Girlfriend?" He repeats, the confusion clear as day on his face. "I don't have a girlfriend. I...I would have remembered you if I did."

"Jack, I'm serious," I snapped, in no mood to be playing around. "This is the wrong time for your silly jokes."

"Bro, I'm not even joking," Jack defends, weakly.

Bro? Bro?! Did he really just call me that? He's never called me that before. At least I don't think so. It was always either my name, babe, or his nickname for me–Snowflake. Maybe he's just confused? His body and mind has gone through so much. I shouldn't be arguing with him, but at the same time, if he really is joking around, he shouldn't be doing it. I'd rather he genuinely be confused than joke. He doesn't even know that his mom and sister are...

"Fine," I give up, "I'll go along with your game. How are you feeling?"

"Like I got run over by a truck," he answers, "And I'm not playing any games. I have no idea who you are. If anything, I feel like you're the one playing a trick on me. There's no way a hot chick like you is my girlfriend. I mean, I know I got charm, but holy shit. You said your name is Elma?"

"Elsa," I correct, my stomach twisting in knots. He sounded and looked so serious. My Jack would have ended his act by now; wouldn't have even started one. He's also not a good actor, but he's so convincing right now. And of course, my subconscious knows before I do; it knows that he's being for real, which is why there is panic settling in in the first place.

Because I know my Jack. He wouldn't be doing this.

And hot chick, he said? If he really has forgotten me then at least it's good to know he's still attracted to me. I still don't believe it though. I won't fully believe it until the doctors say so. There's just no way amnesia is going to ruin my life for a second time. No freaking way. What are the odds? All while we both lost important people to us as well? The Universe must truly hate me.

"You," I cleared my throat, trying to moisten it for it had gone desert-dry. "You really don't remember me?"

He gently shook his head. "No. I'm sorry. Please don't cry."

I didn't even realize I was until he said it. I wipe my tears away, embarrassed, but then he does something that surprises me. He reaches forward and grabs a hold of the hand I used to wipe my tears away. For a second, I think that he's going to confess that I've been pranked, but then he says: "Did you?"

I was about to answer, but then he's chuckling, which turns into a painful grunt. He pays it no mind though as he says: "I'm so stupid. I must have loved you if you were my girlfriend. Unless we were part of a fake dating trope. Were we?"

Snowflakes Fall and So Did IWhere stories live. Discover now