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Anna's POV

"Anna! Wait! Please!"

I ignored my aunt's calls, urging my feet to move faster, my tears falling at the same pace. I bumped into a few people due to blurry vision, swallowing down my guilt at not saying sorry to them. I don't have time for apologies. I need to get away, to be alone. I want to be left alone. I need to think. I...I need to breathe!

I don't bother with the elevators, but I trick my aunt into thinking I did by pressing the down button and then quickly descending down the stairs. I know I'm probably being too dramatic, but don't I have a right?

My sister just told me that my boyfriend is cheating on me and that he attacked her. How else am I supposed to react? And why, for the love of chocolate cheesecake, are there so many stairs? What floor was I on when I started? Jesus, forget flying cars, we need to focus on creating teleportation pods or something.

When I finally make it to the first floor, I scan the hospital's lobby for my aunt, and when she was nowhere to be seen, I speed-walked my way out, wiping my eyes so no one would see me and think my loved one died. God, if Elsa had died...I don't know what I'd do.

If...If Hans really did hurt her...and if she did die...I...I'd kill him. I'd kill him for sure. O-Or I'd find someone to do it. I...I swear it.

But he didn't! He didn't hurt Elsa. He isn't cheating on me. This is all some big mistake. A lie! Elsa is lying because she hates him. She's a liar. She's jealous. She's...

My sister.

I sit down on one of the benches outside, the fresh air doing me no good, and I break down crying again.

Who am I kidding? Elsa would never lie about this. There's still a lot I need to learn about her, but I know her better than that. She's not the type of person to lie about being harassed by someone she doesn't like. And I...I left her thinking that I viewed her as that. Oh my god, what's wrong with me? I'm a horrible sister.

I don't know how long I sat on the bench crying, but I do know that my tears and aching heart were caused by multiple reasons. For not believing Elsa and making a scene where she now probably thinks I'm the worst sister on the planet, for wanting it all to be a lie even if it means Elsa being exposed as a bad person, for Hans cheating on me and hurting my sister, for believing it when I'm supposed to stay loyal...but to who? Elsa or Hans?

And the answer is so easy. I truly don't have to think about it at all. It's Elsa. I've wanted a relationship with her for years, and I've finally gotten it. I'd risk every romantic relationship if it means having a relationship with my sister. I don't want her to go back to isolating herself. I don't want her to push me away again, but...I feel like I ruined that.

I'd push me away too if I were her.


My face was buried in my hands, and when I heard my name, I gasp and look up. Aunt Arianna stood to the side of the bench, peering down at me with eyes full of tears as well. She didn't say anything, neither did I, but she knew what I wanted and she gave it to me.

She sat down on the bench, leaving no space between us, and wrapped her arms around me. I cried into the crook of her neck as I held her tight. She rocked me back and forth, shushing me and whispering soothing words. Eventually I calm down, but my heart still ached.

"Why would he do such a thing?" I say, my voice hoarse.

"You mean she?" Says my aunt, thinking that I meant Elsa.

"No," I pull away from her shoulder and wipe the tears away from my cheeks. "I meant he. As in Hans."

Confusion flashes in her apple green eyes and she says: "Wait, so...you believe your sister then?"

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