Chapter 26: champaign

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I rush around in my room, looking for a nice pair of shoes, and most importantly....a dress. I have no clue if I even have a nice one. I search through my closet (the only thing that hasn't been shipped out to California) and finally find a dress. It's the one I wore to my first prom, last year. The memory of the dress is one I will never forget, but I wish it would erase from mind. I slip on the simple dress, and look at myself in the mirror. I was never a petite size. I've always been a 14 or 16, which bothered me. The dress was a pretty blush pink, and went all the way down to my ankles. It had Rhine stones on my chest, and they slowly faded down the dress, all the way to the bottom. I put my hair in this messy bun, with a braid going on the side of my head. It looks pretty good even though it took less than 2 minutes to do. I apply my makeup, and go for a simple look. Sparkly eyes and a mauve lip. It looks nice. My phone starts to ring and I check who's calling. It's Matt.
"Hey babe." I smile into the phone.
"Hey gorgeous. I'm on my way. I'll beep when I'm outside."
"Okay. I love you."
"Love you too!" And I end the call. I walk downstairs and I see my aunt sitting on a chair in the living room. She hears my silver heals on the floor and turns towards me.
"You look so pretty, honey!" She says. I smile and nod, leaning my body on the wall by the stairs. I hear a knock at the door and I rush over to open it. My eyes scan Matt up and down. He's wearing a suit, and he looks very nice. I see him staring at me, and his eyes are wide. His mouth opens a bit and I motion for him to start talking.
" look beautiful." He says in awe. I smile and look at my heels.
"You don't look to bad yourself." I say, blushing. He smiles and grabs my hand, leading me out to his car. The cold night air sends a chill down my arms, as we enter the car. Matt turns on the heat and starts driving.
"So where are we going for dinner Mr. Espinosa?" I ask him. He chuckles.
"You'll see. But let me tell you, It was real tough to make a reservation this late." He laughs. I smile and look out the window, thinking about how this night could not get any better. Matt pulls into the most beautiful looking restaurant, and he parks his car in one if those curves where someone parks your car for you. The man opens my door and I step out of the car. Matt smiles at me, as I grab his hand. We walk up to a lady with big brown eyes, and her hair sleeked back into a bun.
"Welcome to Champagnes." She says in a thick french accent, which almost seems fake. It probably is.
"Last name?" She asks us.
"Espinosa." He says, and puts his hand on my lower back.
"Follow me." She says. We follow her to a table that sits in the middle of the restaurant. All the tables have a cream colored table cloth, with a candle and a bottle of champaign on the middle. We also have a plate and a napkin in front of us, with utensils wrapped in the napkin.
"Matt, this must of costed you a fortune!" I say in awe. He smiles and nervously fixes his tie.
"I wanted this to be perfect. This place isn't all that perfect. But once you stepped in, you made this place flawless." I look away and feel my cheeks burn. Matt smiles as he looks through the menu.
"What are you getting?" He asks me.
"Whatever your getting." I smile.
"A girl who gets what the guy gets? I like that." He smirks. I smile and take a sip of the water that was placed on our table. Our waiter comes by and he smiles. He looks at us in aw.
"You two look stunning. Are you dating?" He asks.
"Actually-" Matt starts, but gets cut off.
"Of course you two are dating! You wouldn't of come her as just friends, right?" He asks. Matt laughs and shakes his head.
"Alright so what can I wt you two to eat?" Matt looks at me and smiles.
"We will have your late night special, please." The man smiles and nods.
"Good choice." He picks up the champaign bottle and starts to pour the sparkling liquid into our glasses.
"Sir we don't-" the man shakes his head.
"It's on the house." Matts eyes go wide.
"Young couples never come here. It's so lovely to see a young man spend money on his girlfriend." He says. I smile as he continues to pour the champaign.
"Thank you." I say to him.
"Enjoy." He says, as he walks off. We finish the champaign and the food finally comes.
"I have no clue what this is." Matt says.
"But I would love to marry it." I laugh and we finish off the meal. Matt pays for our dinner, and we walk outside into the crisp night air.
"Want to walk around a bit?" He asks, putting his arm around my waist. I nod, as we start walking down town.
"I'll miss this." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Miss what?" He asks.
"I'll miss how the little shops are all next to each other." I say, pointing to one of the dress shops.
"That was my favorite store when I was little." I laugh to myself.
"Tell me about it." He says.
"I used to always want one of the dresses in the window. It was a mint green, poofy dress. Looking back, it was super ugly." Matt laughs as we stare at the store. I shiver as wind starts to blow in the air.
"Are you cold?" Matt asks. I nod, and he takes off his suit jacket, and sliding my hands through the sleeves.
"Thank you." I say to him, kissing his cheek.
"Your welcome." He smiles.
"We should get back to my car." He says, as we walk back to the restaurant. We find his car in the parking lot, and we start driving back. But it doesn't look like we're going to my house.
"Where are we going?" I ask, looking out the window.
"I want to show you something." He says. After about 20 minutes we pull up to a lake. Matt steps out of the car and opens my door. We walk out to see a little cliff, protecting the buildings from getting flooded from the lake when there's a storm. Matt jumps down and his feet touch the rocky sand at the bottom. He wipes the sand off his pants and puts his arms out.
"Jump." He smiles. I smile and shake my head.
"My dress will get dirty!" I tell him. He laughs and holds his arms out farther.
"I won't let it get dirty. I promise." He says. I shake my head, and without thinking, I jump. He catches me and holds me close. I can feel his hot breath on my shoulder. He pulls my body apart from his and kisses me. He sets me down on the ground, never breaking the kiss. We sit on the sand, and he puts more affection into the kiss. His lips travel down to my neck, leaving purple marks there.
"I love you.." He says.
"So much." He says again.
"I love you more." I say.

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